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Hearing the declaration of the two brats caused Orochimaru to laugh out loud.

"You really believe I will be buried here?"(Orochimaru mused while being pissed a little as he got rid of the disguise)

"No, We don't belive it"(Sasuke shaking his head)

"We simply know it as a fact you are going to die here today"(Naruto nonchalantly)

Orochimaru unleashed his blood lust and started creating pressure which caused the ground he was standing on to crack.

Naruto and Sasuke scoffed and Released their own KI which Overwhelmed Orochimaru's KI their pressure on the other hand started creating cracks but not to the scale of Orochimaru's and then Naruto entered sage mode and Sasuke activated his EMS.

Orochimaru paled a little he recognised Naruto's state he had fought next to Jiraiya enough number of times to recognize it and further when he saw Sasuke's eyes and remembered the way Tobi had handled him after all he did not have the common pattern of the sharingan.

Orochimaru quickly went through the hand signs for summoning and summoned a Number of Giant snakes and Manda.

"I will give you what ever you want Manda kill those brats for me"(Orochimaru as he went through another set of hand signs)

"You better keep your promise orochimaru"(Manda grumbled as he he went after the brats)

Naruto was just using one of the snakes as a extra large Whip while sasuke just used Susanoo to cut up any that got close and when it came to Manda

"Fire style:Majestic Destroyer flame"(Sasuke)

"Sage Art:Wind style:Tempest"(Naruto)

Deep Blue flames came out of Sasuke's mouth which were contained and enhanced by Naruto's wind.

Manda fearing for his life used Ligtning to enhance his speed and got out of the range of that Jutsu which destroyed quite the stretch of the forest and set it on fire.

but then had to continue to move as Purple arrows started raining on him and finally once he was far enough a shrieking sound caught his attention and when he turned he saw a black sphere with white blades homing in on his current location and all his instincts screamed that he would die if he got Hit by that jutsu so he promptly unsummoned himself.

The black Rasenshiruken landed on the spot Manda was in and exploded in a obsidian sphere of annihilation.

And by the Time Manda dispelled himself Orochimaru was done summoning the first 2 Hokages  and inserting the that made them stronger than a Normal Edo Tensei and erazing their personalities and faced an angry Naruto and Sasuke.

"Who are you going to take on?"(Sasuke as he started accessing Indra's powers)

"Dose it matter? its 3 on 2"(Naruto)

"Make it 3 on 3"(Dai appearing in a flash of lightning standing behind them facing orochimaru)

"We might still loose"(Sasuke)

"Then let us help"(Crow appearing in a body ficker off to the right of orochimaru)

"I'll deal with Orochimaru you 4 deal with the reanimated Hokage's until the 4th get's here"(Weasel to orochimaru's left)

"No need, I am already here"(Minato appearing in a flash behind orochimaru)

Orochimaru Laughed.

"You think the 5 of you will be able to deal with the Shodaime and the Nidaime?"(Orochimaru laughed again)

"You are seriously in over your head if you think you can get out of here alive orochimaru"(Minato sneered)

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