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Hellooooo! New update! 

I'm honestly really proud of myself because I'm starting to update like every week. iTs pRoGreSs oKaY. 

Why am I updating on a Friday, you may ask?? Well, yesterday I didn't have school because it was snowing really hard. I would've spent the day outside throwing snowballs at people but it was hella freezing so I decided why not spend the day inside, hot chocolate in hand, with Wattpad in my other hand and The Office playing on my TV. So that's exactly what I did. AnYway, please don't expect Thursday and Friday updates, this is a one-time thing, I feel like Sundays are more of my updating day ya know? :)

After last week's rushed chapter, hopefully this is better for y'all!


Fitz's P.O.V

I'm screwed. That's all I have to say. 

I fucked up.

Big time. 

And I have a feeling I broke two people's hearts in the process. 

Actually, scratch that, Sophie's heart isn't broken, mine is. That's still two people though. Ah, forget it. 

God, I sound so stupid. 

Why the hell did I have to bring Linh into this?? I don't even like her for fucks sake. I shouldn't have led her on like that. Oh and then there's Keefe. Don't even get me started on him. I would ask if he was trying to screw my relationship over but I brought this on myself. 

Every single insult Soph threw at me yesterday killed me slowly. But if I were her, it would've been 10x worse considering my anger issues. 

I get out of bed and don't even bother to fix my hair. I threw on a shirt that was on the floor and walk downstairs. 

"Well, well, well." a brunette that I know all-too-well is standing there, leaning against the counter, and smirking at me, it's not a funny smirk though. It's an I-will-kill-you-in-your-sleep smirk. "Sleeping Beauty's awake."

Sleeping-who? And then I remember. Sophie must've told Biana about that, I remember vaguely, a conversation about human fairytales. Sophie

No. I can't think about her right now. That won't get me anywhere. 

"The hell do you want Biana." I drag my hand down my face. Sophie hated when I did that. Sophie

"I know what happened dip shit." The venom laced sarcasm in her voice is clear. 

Oh. Oh. Sophie must've told her. Damnit. Sophie

Well. I'm officially fucked. I can't stop thinking about the girl who dumped my ass yesterday after finding me cheating on her. I would've done the same thing.

I mean I love Biana, I really do, but she cant keep that big ass nose of hers in her own business. 

"I know what you're thinking, you think I should mind my own business, but this starts to become my business when my best friend is moping around all day like she's going through some major depression. And i told her that she shouldn't be acting like this because of you and her response was that she's not crying over you, she's crying over how stupid she was to date you. So uhm, your in a bad place." 

"You think I don't know that?? I fucked up, I know. I thought that kissing Linh would clear up everything. Clearly i only made things worse." 

"Kissing Linh?? Clear up everything?? Those two phrases don't belong in the same sentence, and what the hell kind of twisted logic is that?!" I turn around to see Dex standing there with his eyebrows raised. 

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