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YEEETUS! New chapter!! Thanks so much for 3k!!! 

Love y'all! Enjoy!


Grady gave me a pointed look. "Well, now that you two love birds are cleared up, I hope you know that your mother and I aren't that stupid. Care to explain what really happened?" 

Sophie's POV

Care to explain what he's talking about?  Fitz's voice filled my head. 

I gulped. Well, I um, sorta kinda maybe didn't tell my parents that I've had my first time. 

WHAT?? WHY??? Fitz's mental voice was so loud it was like I could hear it with my ears, not my head. I winced. 

I was just trying to wait for the right time? I tried. 

Grady was tapping his foot impatiently. "I don't have all day Sophie, please tell me what happened so I don't have to fish Mr. Forkle to get the thoughts from your mind." 

Would Grady actually do that? We've barely seen Mr. Forkle ever since we defeated the Neverseen, which was a long time ago. Biana, Dex, and I are in the Elite levels and Fitz and Keefe are in their final year at Foxfire. 

"I just want to make sure you're safe. If something dangerous is going on then as your father, I feel obliged to know." 

The only thing that is dangering me right now is the fear of Grady murdering Fitz that's choking me. Oh wait, Fitz is mad at me too. 

I look over at Fitz, who seemed to have cooled down a little bit. 

I sighed. Knowing I can't hide the information any longer. 

"I had my first time," I whispered, so softly that I doubt Sandor, my 7-foot-tall-bodyguard-who sounds-like-a-mouse, would've heard. 

"I'm sorry?" Grady pushed. 

"IhadmyfirsttimewithFitzandpleasedon'tkillhimit'smyfaultandnowyourbothmadatmeandImessedupreallybad." I blew out a breath. 

If you need a translation because you don't wanna read that, then here you go: Sophie said, "I had my first time with Fitz and please don't kill him. It's my fault and now your both mad at me and I messed up really bad." teehee

"Slow down kiddo," Grady said.

Luckily Fitz saved me, "What she's trying to say is, she's not a virgin anymore." 

Grady stood there, shocked. I heard a small gasp from the door and I realized that Edaline was standing there. 

Honestly, could this get any worse?

And right on cue, Sandor came out of his corner in my room. Yes, I still have Sandor because the Council thinks there are far too many threats out there for me to be vulnerable. I protested at first but I've grown accustomed to Sandor and he's family now. So I'm stuck with him. Which isn't all too bad because he's definitely become more lenient. 

After about what felt like an hour of awkward silence, Grady turned to Sandor. "And why have we not been informed of this?" 

Sandor squeaked, "Well, Miss Foster is capable of making her own decisions so I thought she would tell you. I was obviously wrong." 

Grady wouldn't even look at Fitz (or me) as he shared a look with Edaline. 

"Well, it's time we have a chat," Grady said as he and Edaline got comfortable on two chairs.

Wow. That's not what I expected. I thought there would be a whole lot of yelling and Fitz would be banned from seeing me. I guess my parents are still in shock though, so um, there's not much of a punishment. Yet. 

"So. We have experience in parenting a teenage girl," Grady started. Jolie. Why would they bring her up? "And well she had a love interest." Brant. That son of a- "And let's just say she went through what you're going through. Teenage hormones." 


I AM NOT HAVING THIS CHAT. I groaned. Edaline laughed while Sandor snickered and Fitz blushed redder than I've ever seen him. 

~           ~          ~          ~        ~        ~           '        ~          ~       ~          ~        ~         ~         ~           ~         ~      ~

After about an hour of listening to my parents talk about the Elvin body, and how Elvin hormones were similar to human hormones, Grady said the most embarrassing thing of all,
"Did you guys at least use protection?" 

I wanted to die. Right then and there. Having your parents ask any questions about having sex with your boyfriend is probably the most embarrassing and awkward thing you are ever going to face. 

"Oh just kill me now," I said into my hands, which covered my tomato face. 

Not gonna lie though, it was entertaining for Fitz to be so nervous around Grady and Edaline. I bet he won't look at them the same again. Honestly, I doubt he'll even lock eyes with Grady again. 

Fitz finally made a sound, "Yes, we used protection Mr. Ruewen." HA! He just called Grady, "Mr. Ruewen!" If Keefe were here, Fitz would never hear the end of it. 

Grady seemed to find this amusing, "Hm. Well, Sophie, Eda can talk to you, but I'm going to have a chat with Mr. Vacker here."

YAYYYYY! I know it's another suspenseful short chapter, buuut I made this chapter because the last one was so short so It was bound to be short. So, I think I should update soon, probably around next week, if not the middle of this week. I was going to continue this chapter and then switch P.O.V's to Fitz but I have a bit of writer's block right now so I just need a couple days to plan this conversation between Grady and Fitz out. 

*cue evil music* 

Soooo I know the last few chapters haven't been spicy buuut I will assure you that I have some very evil ideas after Grady and Fitz's conversation that you guys may or may not kill me for but, that's what I'm here to do! Sooo yeah. 

Thanks again for 3,000 reads guys! I can't believe "Sophitz!" has made it this far!! 

And I just want to shout out 

 because this user is SOO supportive of me! And if you happen to like Keeper of The Lost Cities as well as the Marvel show Agents Of Shield, I definitely recommend checking out her profile because she has a fanfiction of when Kotlc meets AOS. If you don't know what Agents of Shield/AOS is, then I TOTALLY RECOMMEND YOU WATCHING IS BECAUSE ITS SO FRICKIN GOOD!! Also, maybe follow her because she's so close to 100! I hope she reads this and smiles because she is one of the nicest, most supportive people for this story!

Thanks for reading! Love y'all!


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