The Kiss

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Hey guys! Hope you liked the last chapter! Introduction chapters are as awkward to write as they are to read don't worry.

Fitz P.O.V

Uh Oh. 

Sophie explained the rules of spin the bottle pretty clearly, but if I'm not mistaken then this means I need to kiss Sophie. Aaaaand that's gonna be pretty awkward considering the fact that I have had a crush on her for years. I hope she doesn't think that I'm a bad kisser. Oh no. What if I kiss her for too long, or too short? GAAAaH love is stressful. But I don't even know if this is love. She probably doesn't like me back anyway. 

Sophie started moving a tad bit closer to me. 

Keefe cleared his throat. I can't really say he ruined the moment because there wasn't much of a moment, to begin with. "So, I can't help but think this is really, really, awkward considering you guys are meant to be, and cognates, and fitzphie!" Keefe said, almost sounding bored.

And here I was thinking this couldn't get more awkward.

Sophie's P.O.V

Well, I started inching closer and closer to Fitz. I hope he doesn't find this creepy. Fitz looks at me with his big teal eyes and I'm a few seconds away from losing it.

But then he does it.

He fills the gap between us.

And kisses me. 

The kiss lasted for about 4 seconds. But, there was more to it than just a silly game kiss. I felt something inside me let loose. It was a weird emotion, I hope Keefe can't sense it. When our lips collided all I wanted to do was explore his mouth, but I wasn't sure if he was ready for that. Or if I was either.

 I found the emotion. I realized what it was. It was hunger? Like a need for more, almost. I couldn't pinpoint it at first but now it's clear. When we pulled apart we both were REALLY red and I moved back to my spot next to Biana and Dex. 

"Damn, that was fun to watch, who's next!" Keefe said, clearly trying to break the massive wave of awkwardness. 

"I can go!" Biana offered. So, she spun the bottle and it landed on her, and Dex. 

After Dex moved on from his little crush on me, he and Biana seemed to have something between them, nothing was official though. 

They both turned red, (Like me and Fitz,) and Biana gave Dex a little peck. Dex turned the color of his strawberry blonde hair. 

And so it went, Keefe and Biana, Keefe and me, (which wasn't that embarrassing for me surprisingly.) The bottle did land on Biana and Fitz but Biana said "NO WAY" at the same time Fitz said "EW, GROSS" So they settled for a hug and a peck on the cheek. 

"Guys! Dinner!" Biana and Fitz's mom, Della, called. She and Alden were going out so they waved us goodbye and left, after we got settled to eat. 

Mmmmm. We had some blue mush for dinner that tasted exactly like Pizza. We then had some Mallowmelt and Rippleruffs for dessert. 

"So, guys how do you want to do the sleeping arrangements?" I asked slowly. 

"Well, Dex, and I have something to tell you first," Biana said. 

"Go ahead," I said encouragingly. 

"So after Spin the Bottle, Dex, and I decided that we are a couple!" Biana half spoke, half shrieked. 

Well. That's a little abrupt but I'll go with it. We all saw this coming. 

"Oh. My. Gosh! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you guys!" I said cheerfully. I was really happy for them, I was. But I couldn't help feeling a pang of jealousy. And I hated myself for it. Why can't I have what they have with each other with Fitz? I brushed those thoughts out of my head and instead thought about how happy I am for Dex and Biana. 

"So, you guys gonna sleep together or something?" Keefe asked with a wink. "Cuz you did bring this up when Sophie started talking bout sleeping arrangements."

Biana and Dex both blushed. "Well, um I didn't mean to imply that but I guess, I mean it's Dex's decision. We both said we don't wanna go too fast." Biana said quickly,

"Well in that case, I guess we could do boys in one room and girls in the other?" I suggested. 

"Yeah, that works," Fitz said. 

After dinner, Dex gave Biana a quick kiss, and miraculously, neither of them blushed. 

"Ugh, wait I forgot. I didn't pack pajamas," I told Biana as we headed up the stairs. 

"Oh that's fine! Just borrow some of mine!" Biana said. 

"Thanks," I said although I was kind of hesitant on wearing Biana's clothes considering they would probably all have some glitter on them. But, it is what it is. My other option would be to sleep in this stupid red dress which was DEFINITELY out of the question.

I got changed quickly and surprisingly so did Biana. The other thing that surprised me was that neither I nor Biana's pj's had any glitter. 

We both had a matching pair of pajamas that looked like this:

"I know this sounds kinda stupid cuz we're at a slumber party, but I'm kinda tired so can we skip the gossip sesh?" Biana asked me, looking kind of embarrassed.

"Of course," I said. "We can go straight to sleep." I never really intended for there to be a gossip session (or sesh as Biana says) so I was fine with these arrangements. 

" 'Night Soph," Biana said through a yawn while getting into her sleeping bag.

"Good night," I replied. 

Well. THAT WAS SHORT AS HELL BUT I TRY. The next chapter should be a little spicy if you know what I mean. Maybe you don't and if you don't I'm just embarrassing myself but what's new honestly.

Oh and also, can you guys PLEASE comment any suggestions you have or mistakes that I've made, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Bye!

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