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Hey guys! I hope you are staying safe!!! This is gonna be a short chapter because I'm not gonna lie I was running low on ideas but I think I'm good now. This chapter ain't gonna be that fluffy but it will have some stuff but I promise that the next few chapters will be better!


Sophie's P.O.V 

Fitz and I have been dating for about half a year now. It was more or less the same relationship. Hugging, spilling our hearts out, and kissing. Lots of kissing. But, it was really nice to have someone who understood me being so close. And not just because we're cognates. I mean, he listens to me and then shares his opinion and we always work things out. But, today I kinda feel like I'm ready. Like ready for more. I'm 17 turning 18 and Fitz is 19 so it's not like we're too young. Fitz was currently at Everglen helping Alden with some work. I want to talk to him about this but I don't know what he will say. So, I decided to go talk to someone who knew everything about this kinda stuff. 


"Hey Biana," I said as I walked into her room.

"Oh hey Soph," Biana replied. "What's up?" 

"Um well, I, um, I wanted to um ask you something um," I said while fidgeting hard. 

"Hit me! I'm all ears." Biana said excitedly. 

"So, you know your brother really well, and um I'm currently in a relationship with him. And-" I was cut off by Biana squealing. That's right she still squeals. 

"I know what this is about!!! You want to take a further step in your relationship," she said with a wink, "but you don't know how to ask Fitz and how he's gonna respond." Wow. That was legit exactly what I was feeling. 

"Um. Yeah. How'dya know?" I asked.

"Oh, well, it was obvious given your body language and your intro to me. Also, the fidgeting was a complete giveaway.

I blushed. 

"Well, trust me on this," Biana continued. "Fitz definitely wants to up the intimacy of your relationship as well." I blushed harder. "He told me about that. Soooo, you just needa talk to him. He's not gonna say anything bad. In fact, he's gonna wanna up the intimacy, I promise."

Well, then I have a plan. "Thanks Biana." 

"Anytime Soph, Anytime." She said with a smile.


Fitz's P.O.V 

I finished helping my dad out with his work. It was just some boring council assignment. Except it wasn't much of an assignment. It was basically just reading several boring books and then organizing stuff. Dad thought it would help me cuz I'm gonna become an Emissary buuuut, It was really boring. 

Well, I was bored as hell until the highlight of my life started walking towards me. 

She looked nervous though. I wonder why,

Sophie's P.O.V

Ugh. This conversation is gonna be so awkward, but I think I have planned out what to say. 

"Um, hey," I said with a small wave. 

Fitz's beautiful face fell. "Is everything okay?" He asked clearly looking very worried.

"Oh, yeah. I just wanted to ask you something." I said blushing. 

"Ask away." He said.

"Um. Well, we've been dating for a month now. And I just wanted to ask if...if we could maybe....umm.....maybe move past just the kissing stage in our relationship?" I asked. I FELT SO. STUPID. SAYING THAT. UUUUUGH. IF HE SAYS NO I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS.

My paranoid thoughts were cut off with a passionate kiss from Fitz. "I'm guessing that's a yes?" I asked through kisses. His response was just a grunt, but he kissed more roughly this time so I know it's a yes. 

We moved into his room, without breaking the kiss, and with a flick of his wrist, he closed and locked his door with telekinesis. I felt myself being thrown on his bed (not hard) and I knew what was coming. Fitz got on top of me and kissed me more. And more. I was starting to think that he didn't understand the part where I said 'move past the kissing' until he started kissing my neck. And man was he good at this. He started sucking and I couldn't help it when a tiny moan escaped my lips. For the next 10 minutes, it was kissing and sucking on my neck. His hands still went up my shirt but nothing more. Damnit. That fuckin hunger feeling came back. 

Fitz broke the kiss and transmitted to me, Meet me at Everglen's gates at 7 tonight. You don't need to wear anything that fancy cuz it will just get taken off. He broke the connection. I nodded at him with a small blush and he walked with me to the Leapmaster. I gave him one more kiss before I glittered away. 


Hope ya'll enjoyed that! Sorry I haven't posted in a while cuz my family just went on a vacation to our beach house for 2 weeks sooooo yeah! I'll post soon I swear!

THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR 50 READS!!!!!!! Love you guys!


P.S. Let me know if you guys think this relationship moved too fast k? Because I got some DM's saying that they wanted it to move a lil faster buut idk for the rest of you guys. 

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