The Umbrella (Last Part)

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"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow "my phone number?"


Kendall's Pov

"Why? What for?" Still raising my eyebrow at them

This person thinks I'm just that easy. Is this their way to get someone's number and doesn't he know who's he is talking to?

Then they spoke "I'm just being sure that you'll return back the umbrella. You can just go here and give my name and that umbrella too. So your number?" While they try to give me their phone

"Okay fine, give me your phone" but I dialed a different phone number then I gave their phone back

"Thank you," he said smiling warmingly and I just shrugged it and turn my back

Then about a minute or so they tapped again my shoulder

"This isn't your phone number, don't try to fool me," he said while they try to give their phone to me again

And then I heard group of people coming our way. Knowing that I don't want to be seen by the public outside here I need to leave so I gave him my phone "Here" and he then dialed their phone number "Faster" I said rolling my eyes and hearing the group of people are getting near to us. When he reached it back, I called their number instantly so they can have my phone number

"Happy?" I said sarcastically

"Yes, just don't forget the umbrella. Okay?" they said

"Yah yah just go now" I said while shooing him away

He just gave me a warm smile and I felt my cheek burn and tried to hide it. Then they put their hoodie on and run through the rain while hugging his backpack so it won't get wet.

I checked my phone and saw that their name is "Y/N" and when I heard the group of people coming by I opened the umbrella and walk away


After a week or so...


I've been texting this girl that I led my umbrella but she just keep on reading them and I mean is she that busy thats she can't reply to my message.

Your phone rang and saw that the caller name is 'management' and you realized that the umbrella is not yet returned and worried about the fee that you'll going to pay because you haven't returned it. After answering it and find a good reason for them to believe, you then texted the girl that you led your umbrella.

Kendall's Pov

I was in a photoshoot when the photographer told us to take a break for some minutes and then I heard my phone 'ding' notifying me that there's a message. When I checked it out its "Y/N" and I just rolled my eyes.

They just want to hit on me, I thought to myself and when he send this it somewhat offended me.

I'm like wait, is the umbrella the only thing they want. How dare he. So I replied...

Wait, why am I even asking this kind of question. Like why do I even care if they only want the umbrella and I heard another 'ding' again signaling he replied

When I saw those message I just seened them, for some weird reason it made sad. Then I just locked my phone and got back to the photoshoot I was in.

After more than an hour...

When I checked my phone I saw Y/N texted me again. Asking why am I not replying back at all and that I should return his stupid umbrella. I got so pissed and texted back as fast as I could

Kendall Jenner Short Imagines (On Pause) Where stories live. Discover now