Part VI - New comradés.

Start from the beginning

Rank: Genin of Konoha.

Physical description:  Tall for his age, black spiky hair with two growing bangs framing his face. Three black whisker marks on both of his cheeks. Known to wear a black hooded sweatshirt with a long white overcoat and ANBU style white pants.

Bloodlines: Classified

Abilities: Classified

Mission record\ 53 D-rank\ 32 C-rank\ 14 A-rank\ 4 Classified.

Note: Every mission is completed flawlessly, most of the missions completed alone with the supervision of Hatake Kakashi. Has received a recommendation for the rank jōnin by Hatake Kakashi, Murahara Aobi, and Maito Gai. Received a recommendation for ANBU by Hatake Kakashi and the current commander of ANBU.'

After the jōnin finished reading the file, both Naruto and Hiruzen had smug grins on their faces while everyone else was wide-eyed. Even the ANBU who were to guard the Hokage were surprised, they were aware that the boy was skillful since they were often here when Naruto and/or Kakashi were giving reports about their mission, but they were surprised that their ANBU commander had given Naruto a recommendation to join them.

"So, you weren't kidding. The kid is a prodigy among prodigies." - says Mibai as he pauses for a second. "And you want to send him to the chunin exams with a new team, why?" - Mibai continues, confusion laced in his voice.

"Naruto, you can leave for now. Report back to me later with the mission report." - says Hiruzen.

"Hai! Seeya Jiji-sama!" - Naruto cheerfully says as he disappears. Some of the jōnin narrow their eyes but pay no mind to that. "Yeah, the kid couldn't master 'that' Jutsu, especially without the training of one who knows how to use it." - was the thought that went through most of their heads. The ANBU of course knew the truth and just chuckled at the faces of some of them.

"The rest of the jōnin are also excused, what I'm about to say isn't classified information but there are no reasons to have you listen to it either." - says Hiruzen as the jōnin nod and disappear in a swirl of leaves.

"Now." - starts Hiruzen, turning to look at Mibai again. "Mainly, I want him to make some friends. Although he has maintained most of his old personality, he has maybe two or three people than he can genuinely trust or call friends/family in this village. Them being me, Kakashi and Gai. I would like for him to make some friends that are at least somewhat his age." - explains Hiruzen.

Mibai nods, and you chose him for our team because he could do the chunin exam along with them and while doing that possibly make some friends and give him another connection to the village." - reasoned Mibai.

"Alright, I will let my team know about that tomorrow. When will he be joining us?" - asks Mibai.

"I will let him know about this in more detail tomorrow and if you don't mind, I will give him a folder on your team and yourself. You may ask him about his abilities as well since I am not writing them down myself for anybody to see." - said Hiruzen as Mibai nodded. "Before you leave." - says Hiruzen as he takes something else out of the drawer. He then throws the thing at Mibai who catches it.

"A kunai?" - asks Mibai, looking at the weird kunai with a hilt and white writings on it. "A special kunai." - corrected Hiruzen as he winked at Mibai. Mibai went wide-eyed as he realized what the Hokage meant.

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