sick with love (2)

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Adam pov

"We are here!" Justin said as he got out of the car

It's the restaurant that Mia and John's mom owns..
Well I used to come here alot even before I knew her..
Dad always brought me here when I was younger.. but it was to meet mrs. William..
I had fun here besides that.. it's a very cool restaurant.. and the food is really good

"Earth to Adam mcaurthur" Justin said as he flicked my head
"Ow that hurt" I said as I grabbed the spot out of pain
"Let's go in bro!!" Justin said as he dragged me into the restaurant

After a lot of years..
Nothing changed here haha
The the sweet aroma of the fresh meals they make..
And the welcoming atmosphere..

"Oh hey Adam and Justin!" Mrs.william said as she saw us enter the restaurant
"Hello mrs.william" we both said as we sat down in a vacant table
"It's been a long time huh?" She asked as she came over to us
"Yeah it was.. well how are you mrs.william?" Justin asked
"I'm good Justin! Well the customers never come by at lunch but it will be very crowed at night here haha" she said and I began to scan the room

Yeah there were only few people..

"Adam what about you?" Mrs.william asked
"Ah I'm fine as well mrs.william! Me and Justin are just hanging out today" I said
"Well also how are those two brats? They ran from home a few days ago.. I'm pretty sure they went to you guys" she said as she laughed
"They are fine too.. and we do enjoy living with them so they can stay longer" Justin said
"Haha I'm sorry about those idiots.. well anyways what would you like to order?" Mrs. Willam asked and we both started to order our food..

"So Adam what do you think? I did a good job picking a place for our date right?" Justin asked as he laughed
"Guess you did haha" I said as I looked outside the window..

It still brings back alot of memories..
Even tho it's bitter sweet..

I was a carefree child huh?

"What's that?" Justin asked as he pointed at a small stage with a guitar and a chair on it
"Oh well mrs.william's sister used to perform here.. ya know as an entertainer" I said
"Woah.. I never knew" Justin said as he looked at the guitar
"Do you wanna try?" I asked and Justin immediately perked up
"I can perform??" He asked
"Yeah you can! You are someone mrs.william knows afterall" I said as I smiled

Looks like justin really wants to perform.. but be also looks nervous

"Chill there aren't many people around.. besides mrs.william will be more impressed if you do it" I said
"Okay" Justin said as he stood up and went to the small stage and took the guitar in his hand

On the last night
I almost went crazy
The next day
I really really went insane
The time you looked at me
My heart skipped a beat
I became so red
I can't comprehend
I think I'm sick with love
That time you held my hand
I almost lost my breath
Oh when I speak to you
I couldn't make a sentence too
I think I'm okay but I'm not at all
I become a blushing mess when you're around
Be my doctor cuz I think
I'm just sick with love

Woah why does this song have to be relatable..

But also-

"Woah it's Justin kroma right? He can sing!?"
"Huh? Justin kroma from lankybox?"

Woah people know us? I mean we do have a lot of people in lankyfam but.. this is uncalled for..
I see Justin shook but immediately got professional and started to give out his autograph and took some pictures with the people

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