confession (3)

319 9 5

Adam pov

Three days later.. and three days before Christmas..

"My god I can't believe you actually hit the soda" Justin said as he off the camera
"I have a bad aim I suppose" I said as I laughed and started to clean up the mess.. good thing we don't have a carpet in our office..

(Reference from the can't say no challenge if you're wondering¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

"By the way we should get ready.. mia and John will freak out if we make it late" Justin said as he helped me clean up
"Yeah alright" I said as we both finished cleaning the floor and then left to get ready for shopping..

We are going shopping for the Christmas presents.. yeah it's really late but we are still gonna get presents for eachother..

"Ah speak of the devil" John said as he saw me come downstairs
"Adam!! You should buy something special for Justin remember?" Mia said
"Yeah.. I haven't decided what tho.." I said as I laughed
"Atleast you finished the song" John said

Yeah.. I did finish the song..

I felt really nervous making it since I know it's going to be a confession.. but I did it..

"Guys let's go!" Justin said as he climbed down the stairs and we all agreed and left home


"Okay so we are gonna split up?" Mia asked as she hopped into the store
"Yeah we shouldn't know what we are getting for eachother after all!" John said as he laughed
"But we are going home together aren't we?" Justin asked
"Big bags covers everything" John said
"Yeah anyways I'm going off on my own guys" I said and everyone nodded and went off our own ways

Now what shou-

*Notification sound*

Johnnyboi: get Justin something good! Maybe something like a promise ring?( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)


Meow: you should totally get a promise ring for justie!! That would really be romantic! (~ ̄³ ̄)~


Justie: you are gonna get a gift for mia right? Maybe you should buy her a promise ring! I bet she would really like it!!(つ≧▽≦)つ

What the heck is with the promise ring thing bruh...
It is romantic indeed but wouldn't the ring go in waste if he rejects me.. these guys are texting as if Justin definitely loves me..

Adem: what if he/she rejects me? The rings goes in waste..

Johnnyboi: oh c'mon!! You could say it's a promise ring for friendship or something! Knowing y'all main casts are super dumb he would probably buy it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(Johnny you bad boy! You are totally geting grounded for this! ಠ_ಠ)


Meow: c'mon!!! Be postive idiot! Besides Justin is too kind to even judge u for getting one!! Just do it!!!!!!!┻┻︵ヽ('Д´)ノ︵┻┻


Justie: aww c'mon man! I'm sure she would love it and besides she's your friend she wouldn't not take a present you get for her! Be positive dumbo!!<( ̄︶ ̄)>

Okay... These guys aren't gonna let me live if I didn't get one I guess..

Adem: okay will get one I guess! And yeah goodluck with the present :)

Justie/meow/johnnyboi: yeah alright! Goodluck to you too!!

Alright I guess I should go get that first..

I made my way to the jewelry section for the rings.. I suppose Justin's ring size is close to mine..
A silver ring caught my eye.. it had a 'j' on the underside of it..
I decided to get that one since that's the most simple yet the most interesting one..

Now for... Gifts for everyone else.. I have no idea what to get..

I started to just roam around the complex.. I'm pretty sure mia would want something expensive.. John would love something that screams technology and Justin = food..

I stopped at a very flashy shop which I'm pretty sure mia would come to and I started to look around.. damn there are a lot of expensive stuff here huh?..
I decided to get a bag which was all pink and mia loves pink so Mia's gift check!

I then made my way to a random gadgets section.. there were a lot of cleaning stuff.. I mean they are gadgets kinda but that's not really a gadget at the same time..
I found a vacuum cleaner which is in the shape of a circle.. I mean this is something we never owned.. and knowing John he might make this into an attack helicopter..
I decided to get that since he can probably modify it into anything so John's gift check!

And for Justin.. even though I have already gotten a ring I think I should get him something really good.. I mean food is an easy win but I also wanna troll him a bit.. I grabbed some food of course and I also bought two spare keyboards since he broke most of the spares that I bought in videos like the rb battles.. he's totally gonna be prankybox! But he would also get the ring so it will balance out I guess

All done! Now all I have to do is go to the restaurant in the shopping complex that we were gonna meet up in..

"There he is!" John said as I entered the restaurant
"How was the shopping? Did you get some good gifts?" Justin asked as he motioned me to sit next to him
"Ah I guess it was okay" I said as I nervously laughed
"You better get me something good!" Mia said and I laughed
"Did you get the ring?" Justin asked quietly
"Yeah I did" I whispered back and Justin chucked
"What do you think you will get Johnny?" Mia asked
"An attack helicopter? A transformer? An ai friend?" John said and we all laughed
"I doubt we have the money for that buddy" Justin said
"I think you guys bought me a dress or a hand bag or anything super cute like that!!" Mia said
"I bought you a living frog though" John said and mia started to hit him and me and Justin watched them from the sidelines
"I think I just got some food ya know I meannn" Justin said as he laughed
"Maybe" John said
"What do you think we got for you Adam?" Mia asked
"I have absolutely no idea" I said and everyone laughed
"It was hard to pick something for Adam since he likes anything he gets" John said
"True! You should be more specific with your interests dumbo!" Justin said
"Adam does have expensive taste tho right justie?" Mia said
"Yep he totally does" Justin said as he laughed

"Hello may I take your order?" The waiters arrived and we started to order our food and then continued to talk about more silly stuff


"The food was good!" Justin said as we all exited the shopping complex
"Yep it totally was" I said
"Hey! John don't you think you forgot something?" Mia suddenly asked pulling John's hands
John looked at her confused but immediately remembered
"Oh yeah that thing.. how stupid of me to forget! I have a bad memory" John said as he laughed
"Yeah you do idiot! Anyways guys me and John have some things to attend to at home! We will be soon!" Mia said and John looked at me with a smirk..

wait they are setting me up again!? My lord these kids...

"Yeah okay we will wait!" Justin said as he waved and mia dragged John away
"Okayy... So what do you wanna do?" I asked
"I don't know! Let's just walk around" Justin said and we both started walking

"Did you finish the song?" Justin asked as looked around at the buildings decorated for Christmas
"Yeah I did.. I think it's okay.." I said
"Haha I'm sure it's great! Can't wait to hear it man!" Justin said as he patted me

Would you though Justin?

"Besides all of your songs are good! You are the vocalist of our channel bruh this is gonna be sick!"

I wonder..

Do you really mean it?

"Thanks Justin"

(Who is hyped for the next chapter!!! It's confession timeeee!! Wooooooooooooo😆😆😆 hope you enjoyed 😂)

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