music video (4)

261 11 20

Justin pov

"So yeah.. I love you.. Justin"

I stared at her for a while.. processing whatever she said..
She liked me? But... Adam..
She doesn't like adam?


Me and mia snapped out of our thoughts and looked over to where the sound came from

"Adam!?" We both said in sync as we saw Adam down on the floor a few feet away from us
I immediately walked over to him to help him up but he got up himself
"I came here for... SODA! YEAH SODA! Um.. I'll go back now! Ah... Enjoy?" He said as dashed through the door as fast as he can

Okay now this is just great.. god hates me doesnt he?

(No I just like making the story spoicy hawt 😂😂 )

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said that! Now Adam is goi-"
"Hey it's fine! Chill" I said as I smiled and patted her head to calm her down..
"Mia.. I really appreciate your feelings.. I'm really glad that I was very special to you.. you are special to me too! I've always seen you like my baby sister.. but I can't.. accept your feelings.." I said as I hugged her and she hugged me back
"Thanks.." she whispered
"What for?" I asked as I slowly patted her back
"I can finally now forget everything.. thanks Justin" mia said as she broke the hug and gave me an heart warming smile..

Even though I broke her heart.. she still looks at it the positive way..

She is in a position just like me.. where the loved one never shows the feelings back.. yet she's alot braver and courageous than me to do it..

She really is an angel..

"What are you waiting for?" Mia suddenly asked


"Go get adam.. don't miss your chance like me" mia said as she laughed

Wait.. she knows?

"How di-"

"Go already airhead!! You already wasted like ten minutes!" She said as she pushed me to the door
"Haha alright!" I said as I patted her head one more time and then left to find adam..

I ran downstairs and to the editing area to see if Adam was there..
"Hey john!" I said as I looked around the editing room
"What's up bro? Can't find adam?" John asked
"Damn... You are definitely working for the aliens! Anyways where is he?" I asked
"I saw him go outside just now" John said as he looked at the laptop..

"Thanks bro!" I said as I left the room and then made my way out of the building to look for Adam..
I looked around here and there and then I went to check the back of the building but no clue..

I then noticed our car lights lit up.. is adam in there?

And there he was.. sitting there alone looking at the sky.. and drinking his soda of course..

He seems upset.. kinda..

Probably because of what he witnessed..

"Hey adam" I said as I approached him and sat in the passenger seat
"Oh heyo justie" adam said as he smiled
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be editing?" I asked
"I want a break ya know! I will go back to editing after a while" adam said as he looked up the sky
"So what happened? Did you and mia finally became a thing?" Adam said as he laughed

This reminds me..

Adam probably seems upset.. because of mia..

He liked her after all..

Hearing her confess to me might have really hit him hard..

It was for mia...

"I rejected her"

"Huh? Wait why?" He asked in confusion
"Because I don't have feelings for her.. I love her alot but not this way.. and I would never like a girl you loved.." I said
"Oh.." was all he said
"Besides she said she's gonna start over! Maybe she will fall for you soon!!" I said trying to cheer adam up
"Haha that's crazy" he said as he
"You never know what could happen ya know" I said as I laughed
"I guess so" adam said as he laughed along
"By the way did you have fun with the cameras?" I asked trying to change his mood
"Mmhmm!! It was pretty cool!! I felt like I just filmed an official movie!!" He said as he laughed
"Haha I'm glad that you had fun" I said
"Wanna try my soda?" He said as he hand his soda over and I took it and hesitantly drank
It's not alcohol? Thank god..
But I did take a sip of the same bottle.. I've heard this stuff in movies called 'indirect kiss'
I blushed and shook off the thought immediately

"Your song was really cool by the way!" Adam said
"Haha thanks.. I didn't really put alot of thought into it but I guess it turned out well" I said to myself and adam chuckled
"Your song is addicting haha I've been singing it for like a while now! Especially the rap! It's pretty cool" he said
"Woah is this my lucky day to hear you sing one of my songs?" I said as I laughed and adam hit me
"I don't know the lyrics well but I guess I can rap" he said
"Yeah go on my dude!" I said hyping him up

My mind my life both twisted like a lie
I may never mind but you aint blind not notice right?
No pain no gain they say but I lived my life with pain
But what do I get I'm just told to be restrained
Left alone in swings while I carry the regret
No one helps me up is this what I get?

"Better than the original" I said as I laughed and adam laughed along
"Nah I'm not kidding its good!" I said and adam chuckled
"Thanks alot.. I somehow feel alot better right now so thanks!" He said
"Did you get upset because of.. what happened between me and mia?" I asked without thinking

"..." He didn't reply

Well I guess silence always means yes..

"Anyways are you really gonna go edit now? It's really late" I asked
"Nah it's fine! Besides I always wanted to edit an official music video" he said as he laughed
"Haha okay just take care alright? And also don't stay awake editing.. there is a whole team for that so you can come back any time" I said
"Alright dad! I'll see you tomorrow" he said as he laughed and he left the car..

Okay now I guess I should look for mia.. we should go home now..
I went in the building after a while and looked for mia everywhere.. but I luckily bumped into her on the stairs
"Ah there you are! Um are you alright?" I asked as I helped her up
"Ah yeah sorry.. well let's go home now" mia said as she started to climb down the stairs and i followed

"So did you tell him?" Mia suddenly asked as she got in the car
"Huh? I..." I tried to come up with an excuse
"Sigh.. you didn't right? You need to step it up Justin!" She said
"Well.. if I could just confess like that then I would have did it a long time ago.." I said
"Hmm.. well anyways let's go home! I'm also really hungry so stop at McDonald's!!" Mia said as she layed back on her seat and I laughed at her
"Sure let's go" I said and then we both left to home for the day..

(Mia is the angel!! We stan mia in this house😂 anyways hope y'all enjoyed!)

Also RIP to the author cuz she can't think anything for good lyrics gomenai😭

Also ain't this a drag😂😂😂😂

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