labelled unlovable (2)

385 15 13

Justin pov

"Justie!!!" Mia exclaimed as she hugged me from the back which I never expected
I managed to break away from her hug
"You didn't have to scare me like that" I said as I continued to stare at my phone
"You seem free...." Mia said as she moved closer

I swear she upto no good

"Yeah I am.. So what do you want?" I said as I put my phone away
"Shopping!!!" Mia yelled as she dragged me out of the house
"Hey I didn't ge-"
"C'mon you look fine!!!"



"Oh my god!! I always wanted to come here!!" Mia said as she dragged me into a huge shopping complex

Why am I here again??

"Justie let's go to the woman's clothing section!!" Mia said as she dragged me

I never signed up for this...

Mia proceed to look around the little shop with many flashy dresses.. seems really flashy...

"Oh this looks cute!" Mia said as she took out a sequenced dress
"Why a dress now tho??" I asked
"Huh? Cmonn I can buy dress whenever I want!!" Mia said as she handed me the sequence dress
"Sure..." I said in a sarcastic manner
"You are no fun!!" Mia said as she pouted and started walking off

Okay.. this is gonna be a long day...

Mia proceed to look at other dresses and had some to me..
"How may I help you young couple?" An employee asked as she came over

A couple??

My lord please no..
I'm into boys...

"We ar-"
"I came here with my boyfriend to to buy a new dress!!" Mia said with a grin on her face

The heck!?

"Ah how lovely! Let me show you some grand ones!" The employee said as she lead us to another section
"Yeah!! This looks much better!!" Mia said asshe looked at all the dresses
"Call me if you need anything else" the employee said as she walked away

"Now what on earth was that!?" I asked
"What was what?" Mia asked dumbfolded
"Why did you say that I was your boyfriend??" I asked as I crossed my arms
"Oh don't you know the employee will give you more good looking clothes if they see a young couple" mia said as she laughed
"Wha... I never heard of that.."
"Hehe I don't care!! Atleast I got alot of dresses!" Mia said as she took more of the outfits and put em on me

"And it doesn't hurt to be my boyfriend for a day right?"


You've chosen the wrong guy mia..

This would have been Adam's fantasy..

"Imma go try them on!! Stay here.. oh and call John and let him know that we came here! I'll be right back" mia said as she left to change

What?? She didn't tell John?

Now that's gonna seem hella sus bruh..

I began to take my phone out and call John

*Ring rin-*

John: hello?
Justin: heya John
John: oh yeah where are you and mia?
Justin: well.. mia dragged me to a shopping complex.. now I'm stuck in this boring place
John: hahaha sucks to be you man!! Thank god I was busy
Justin: shut up!!
John: hahahaha
Justin: what's Adam upto?
John: I don't know.. I will check on him after I'm done editing
Justin: oh okay..
John: you sound like Adam's mom haha constantly checking on him or maybe like a nagging girlfriend or something haha

I blushed at the fact that he described me that way

Justin: shut up Johnny boi!!
John: haha will do!! Don't forget to buy me a lollipop!!
Justin: damn.. you are still addicted to that?
John: I never changeeee~
Justin: alright will buy you one.. take care Johnny
John: yeah bye

"Hey justie!! How do I look?" I turned to see mia in a big pink poofy dress..

Not gonna lie she looks pretty cute..

No wonder Adam likes her..

She's all a guy could ask for..

"Why do you look like a cotton candy??" I asked as I laughed and mia hit my playfully
"Oh c'mon! I hate you justie!! You don't have fashion sense at all!!" She said as she laughed along
"I don't have fashion sense but I do have 'foodshion' sense ayyyyy" I said and mia face palmed
"It was a mistake dragging you here" mia said as she crossed her arms
"Of course it is!" I said as I laughed and mia turned the other way while pouting

"Just kidding! You look good.."

Mia turned around with a surprised look "really?" She asked
"Yeah! You make a real good cotton candy thooo" I said "ah I knew it!! And here I thought you genuinely appreciated my looks hmph!" Mia said as she pouted and I laughed hard
"Well let's go! I want a casual outfit as well!!" Mia said as she continued to stage me arround to many other shops


Several hours later~~
Brought to you by justie kromie chickun delivery

"Damn! Look at this trumpet!!" Mia said as she picked it up and blew it
"My lord stop blowing that..." I said as I covered my ears and mia laughed
"Ah this flute looks cute! Adam would love this!!" Mia said as she picked up a lanky blue flute..
"Haha he sure would.. are you gonna gift it to him?" I asked
"Maybe.." she said as she looked at it for a while and then started to play something that I never expected her to play..

It was my song..
That I do usually sing when I'm not around anyone but how did she know?
Besides... If she knew this then... She also..

"How do yo-"

"Surprised much huh?" Mia said as she laughed and I gave her a confused look

"So... Who's this 'labelled unlovable'?"

(Woah mia goin for the spicy hot question right there!!😂 Hope ya enjoy😂😂)

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