labelled unlovable (4)

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Justin pov

"So.. who's labelled unlovable?"

"Well.. it's just a song" I said as I turned away from mia
"C'mon really?" She asked laughing and I nodded
"It's a detailed song to be 'just a song'.. almost sounds like you are describing someone.." she said as she smirked

Yeah I definitely didn't sign up for this..

"Lemme show you how detailed it is!" mia said as she took a nearby ukulele and started singing my song

You make mesmerized
You really stole my heart
With those pretty blue eyes
And that curing smile
My love for you is unbelievable
And we were supposed to be friends
Dont worry this secret's only with me
And in my dictionary
You are labelled unlovable
Yeah yeah yeah..

"And that's all I know.. i mean that's all I learnt from listening to you sing" mia said as she laughed
"You little stalker" I said as I broke into a smile
"Hey c'mon! I... Wasn't stalking idiot!" She said as she hit my arm
"Sureee" I said as I laughed and mia started to hit me more while blushing
"Well I don't know who you like.. but.. you should make a move!!!" She said
"Huh? A move? But.." I said as I stared at the ground
"C'mon stop being a coward!!" Mia said as she hit my arm
"No that's not it..  they like someone already so.." I said trying to reason with her
"And so what? Love isn't set in stone ya know! They might just wake up next morning having a crush on you!" She said
"Huh? That's impossible.." I said in disbelief..
"Shut up and buy them a gift already!" She said as she started to drag me out of the music section

A gift...

Not a bad idea I guess..

"So what does she like?" Mia asked

She?? Oh right.. she doesn't know..

"I don't know" I simple said and mia looked at me with her shocked expression
"Wow you don't know about a person you love?" She asked
"No nothing like that.. it's just that they never really asked for a gift before.. so I never knew what to give them" I said and mia nodded and thought for a moment
"If that's the case.. then buy something cool and useful! For example girls use pouches alot for carrying stuff around! So you could buy her something that might be useful and cool at the same time" mia said

I mean what does Adam use alot..

His phone obviously..

"A phone case?" I said to myself
"Perfect!! Let's go!!" Mia said as she dragged me


"Doesn't all look alot girly?" I asked as I looked around
"But girls like girly stuff!!" Mia said as she looked at all the phone cases and put some on her phone.. she seems to have come here for herself more than me..
"Maybe" I said as i looked at a phone case which stood out the most..

It was icey blue and had a polar bear on it.. it stood out probably cuz of the bear.. also looks like the bear from adopt me..
I began to take it out of the shelf and examine it..
"Ohhh this is cute too!" Mia said as she stood behind me looking at the phone case
"Yeah I'm gonna get this one I guess" I said as I turned around and tripped randomly but I stopped myself before falling onto mia.. I didn't realise mia was this close to me..
I realised that I was holding mia for support and took my hands away from her and she turned away from me blushing..

"Sorry about that" I said as I nervously laughed and mia turned facing me with a smile
"It's fine! By the way.. your girl likes blue?" She asked as she pointed at the case
"Yeah it's her favourite colour" I said as I began to look around
"Woah she has blue eyes and likes blue.. she must be gorgeous" mia said as she laughed
"You are imagining how she looks right?" I asked as I laughed and mia pouted
"Stop invading my brain justie!!"
"Alright I'm gonna buy me something too! And then we are off!!" Mia said as she started to look around


"Ugh finally.." I said as I walked out of the shopping complex
"Haha I bought alot I think.. John is gonna kill me" mia said as she looked at all the shopping bags I was carrying
"You deserve it you little monster!" I said as I laughed
"Let's grab a snack then!" Mia said as she unlocked the car and got in
"Deal! I'm up for some food" I said as I got in as well
"Let's grab some bobas then" mia said
"Hm okay"


"Damn these are good" I said as I drank my drink
"So when are you gonna gift it to her?" Mia asked
"Oh the gift? I guess... Whenever I see her next time" I said

I should give it to Adam after going home..

"What about your second move?" Mia asked as she smirked
"Huh? Wah?"
"C'mon you should take her somewhere.. anywhere she likes!" Mia said as she clapped
"Date huh?" I asked to myself
"Yeah! I'm sure she would love it" mia said
"I guess I'll think about it.." I said as I took a sip

Where would Adam like to go?

"Well let's go home" mia said as she started driving home
The drive was silent.. but mia decided to break it
"Why do you like her?" Mia suddenly asked
"Just asking"

What kinda question is this?

"Well.. I guess it's.. because I found her attractive? I honestly don't know myself haha" I said as I laughed
"She is a very kind person and she stuck with me at my hardest times.. I believe she knows me the best" I said trying not to mess up the 'she'
"Oh... She seems like a nice person.." mia said as she smiled
"Yeah.." I said

But somehow..

Mia kinda.. seems off..

Is something wrong with her?

"Woah isn't this the place where me and adam used to come... It's really different!!" mia said as she starred out of the dashboard


It's just my imagination...

(Bruh did mia just leaked what's gonna happen in the next chapter 😂😂😂 hope y'all enjoyed 😆)

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