music video (3)

304 9 16

Justin pov

"Woah this looks sick!!" Adam said as we enter the next set
It had broken old walls with a big piano in the middle and a window to the side of it.. and I suppose there is a light behind the window.. because it's super bright..
"Damn that's good.." I said as I went to the piano
"It's perfect for you!! And There is piano in the soundtrack too!"adam said as he followed
"Yeah.. this is great.." I said as it reminded me of my mom..
She must be proud if she was here...
"Hey.. what's with the sad smile? Cheer up! It's going to be awesome!" Adam said as he laughed which made me laugh
I'm just glad to be his friends right now..
"Thanks Adam.. by the way there are still more sets left?" I asked
"Well there is one set and then the others are going to be filmed outside.." adam said
"What's the other set?" I asked
"It's a white room with a single white chair.. looks like something from a Billie eillish music video" adam said as he laughed
"Haha it does sound like that!" I said as I laughed along
"Also look at that.." adam said as he pointed at a big camera which can be carried around by some rods attached to it like a backpack

( I is sorry I no pro😂 tat was the worst description ever😂😂😂)

Oh wait.. Adam wanted to film with one of those didn't he?
"You wanna try that out?" I asked
"I mean.. can I? If I can that will be great!!" Adam said
"Haha I will ask around then!" I said as I patted him
"Yay!! I can finally film in one of those" adam exclaimed and I laughed
"Hey guys! Let's go home!! It's already evening ya know" John said as suddenly came
"Woah.. 6pm.. time passes alot faster here huh?" Adam said as he looked at his fitbit
"Yeah it would take a long time to go home.. let's go then" I said and then we left the set for today


"Justin.. wake up"

I woke up to see Adam beside me on the bed as always
"Today is a big day! You are gonna film the music video!!" Adam said as he slid my hair off my face
I blushed by his sudden acting but shrugged it off and got up
"Yeah.. I'm really nervous to be honest" I said
"Oh you will be fine dude! Chill!!" Adam said as he laughed
"I guess I'll take your word for it" I said as I chuckled
"Anyways let's go! We don't have much time ya know" adam said and I nodded as I went to change and get ready for my big day..


"Ah goodmorning mr.kroma!" The team said as they saw me come in the dressing room
Ah.. I didn't really need the respect but okay..
"Guys just call me Justin!" I said and they laughed
"Mr.kroma you are too kind!" One of the staffs said
"Haha not really" I said as I looked around.. this place seems really busy..
"You should go change into your first outfit mr.kroma" one of the staffs told and I simple nodded and went to the dresser
After dressing up I came out of the dresser.. I wore a big peach sweater and a normal pair of jeans
"Ah there you are! Miss mia he's ready!" One of the staffs called out of mia and she came in
"Ahh justie looks soo cute!" She said as she hugged me
"Haha thanks mia!" I said as I hugged her back and then mia immediately dragged me to the makeup studio
"I don't need makeup" I said as I sat on the chair
"No one wants to see an otter in the music video" mia said as she started to take out alot of block boxes..
"Lilith do his hair and Mira do his makeup.. I'll help you guys as well" she said and all the staffs started to style my hair and apply makeup on me
"This tastes horrible!" I said as I accidentally licked some... Whatever that was
"Makeup isn't meant to be eaten stupid! Now shut your mouth and look at me!" She said as she turned my face towards her and she started to apply some more makeup thing that i don't know the name of

I started to observe mia as she was concentrated on putting makeup on me..

She does resemble adam alot.. I mean she has the same dad but yeah it's impressive..

music to my ears (adstin)Where stories live. Discover now