confession (1)

330 12 4

Adam pov

"I see.." John said as he spun around with his chair
"I don't even know what to think anymore.. Justin doesn't like mia.. but he likes someone else.." I said as I fiddled with my hoodie strings
"I mean.. it could be you possibly" John said
"No way! That's just childish to think of" I said and John chuckled
"Sure but who else could it be if it wasn't you or mia" John asked

Yeah who else.. me and mia were the closest ones..

"Maybe it's my sister or something" I said and John spat his drink
"Now that's childish my friend" he said and i laughed hard
"But don't you think there is a possibility of Justin just rejecting her because I was supposed to have a crush on mia" I said
"Huh that's good reasoning right there! But probably not" John said
"By the way I found something cool" John said as he moved his chair to the big monitor
"What is it?" I asked
"Check this out" John said as he opened the lyric doc for Justin's song
"What about it?" I asked
"The first letter of the verse, pre chorus, chorus and the rap.. a d a m" he said as he laughed
"Oh it spells my name" I said
"That's a genius layout haha but he thought no one would find it huh?" John said as he grinned
"But this has to be a coincidence right? If not then why on earth would he do this?" I asked
"Do you have any reasoning for this?" John asked

Well.. he could have just did it for fun?

Or maybe this was just a coincidence?


"Or he wanted someone to get a secret message? Or he's just pouring out his locked up feelings" John said which made my heart start to beat fast

Nah.. there is no way..

"Whatever.. you still don't have any solid evidence that this is infact intentional" I said
"I mean arranging it this way just seems intentional dontcha think? But yeah that isn't really a solid proof" John said
"See? This could just be a coincidence and yeah your brain might have just been extra big to notice this" I said as I laughed
"I do agree with the second part! But also I can definitely see Justin doing this since his songs are usually detailed" John said
"Yeah that's true too" I said
"Well enough with the detective work and rest a bit! We have work tomorrow too ya know" John said as he patted me
"Yeah I'm kinda feeling tired.. I'm gonna lay down for a while" I said as I layed my head infront of my monitor and closed my eyes


"Adam wake up" I heard John call for me as I slowly opened my eyes because if the bright light
"I'm.. tired.." I said as I layed back down
"You aren't gonna work today.. mia needs you" John said as I got up
"Mia? Wah?" I asked
"Go change! I'll explain" John said and I immediately started to go and get dressed up in the bathroom in this studio
And after a while I came back to the editing room to see no one..

Wonder where John went..

Suddenly a pare of hands closed my eyes..
"Guess who?" A certain someone said in a high pitched voice
Oh we are playing this game huh?
"Not funny Justin" I said as I took his hands off me
"Ah c'mon how did you find out?" Justin said as laughed
"Maybe because I literally hear your high pitched voice everyday when we record our videos" I said while rolling my eyes
"You should have atleast played dumb you dumbo!" He said as he laughed and i laughed along

I didn't even realise he's dressed for his music video..

He wore a full black outfit with some fake piercings..

"Do I look like a baddd boyyyy~" Justin asked while laughing
"You look like a gangster what the heck" I said as I laughed hard and Justin joined along
"By the way you need to go with mia somewhere today" Justin said
"And where is that?" I asked and Justin shrugged
"I don't know but good luck man!" He said as he patted me and I hit him
"Where is mia anyways?" I asked
"Justin- oh Adam there you are!" Me and Justin turned to see John
"So we are going to the outdoor set?" Justin asked
"Yep! And also mia is waiting for you downstairs adam" John said and I nodded
"Be careful dumbo! See you around" Justin said as he left the room
"Hey remember! We stay till Christmas!" John said and then left with justin

music to my ears (adstin)Where stories live. Discover now