Chapter 1

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Friday, 7:00 pm

"This is the latest murder. The person was also killed in the middle of night, in a dark, empty alley. Their body was also found without a single drop of blood." Jimin tells me as he slides the pictures towards me. The pictures of the crime scene.

The man seems to be in his 30s. His body is pale and his veins seems to pop up, creating purple marks all over his body. His eyes look darker than normal and his jaw is dropped open. He must be screaming while he died. But if he screamed, then how come nobody listened?

"Jungkook." I look up from the pictures and face Jimin. "Listen to me. I know that you want to know who is or are killing these people but we alone can't do anything. We can't find a person who even cops have no clue about.

I clench my jaw and stand up. "Thanks Jimin, for the pictures... And the advice. But I'm never giving up. You know why this is very important for me." He sighs and nods.

Jimin is my only friend I can rely on. He's a journalist and he covers the crime scenes. He gives me the information about the murders that's been happening in our town from years. And the first similar case parents.

I was 10 when my parents were killed. Their bodies were found helpess in a dark alley, with blood sucked out of it. They were unrecognizable. They were the only family I ever had. I was disturbed with what happened, but more than that, I was mad. I was angry at the person who took away the people who meant the world to me. All I could think of was revenge. But... What could a 10 year old boy do anyways? So, I waited.

I was thrown into the foster care system. And soon was adopted by a wealthy family. My new family consisted of a mother, father and an older brother, Yoongi. They never made me feel like an outsider but I could never open my heart to them. Maybe that was the case I didn't cry a single drop when those parents died in a car accident. I was 12. My older brother took care of me from then on. To be honest, the only person I consider close to a family is him. He has supported me in everything. But when I told him that I wanted to find my parent's murderers, he denied to help. He said it was too dangerous and asked me to stop. But... I just couldn't.

Besides Jimin, nobody knows that I'm still searching for the culprit. No matter how dangerous it is, I'll never stop.

Jimin and I talk for an hour about the latest murder and he finally leaves. I close the door and look at the clock. 8:00 pm. I'm exhausted. I should just sleep now. I skip dinner because I don't feel like cooking and take a quick shower. Before going to bed, I make sure all the windows and doors are locked. Since I've been living alone after 18, I've made this as a routine. For first 2 years, living alone in a huge house with 2 bedrooms, a large living room, kitchen, huge glass windows and fancy furnitures was... A little lonely... And scary. But with time, I adapted to it. Yoongi never wanted me to move out. But eventually he gave up and bought this house for me. After our parents died, we moved in here, to a small village where once again I came across a similar murder case like my parent's and got myself involved in the investigations.

I turn off the lights of my bedroom and suddenly notice something out of the window. A black SUV pulls over the empty house next door. Since the house is empty, it seem suspicious to me. So, I keep watching and soon, a tall, lean figure steps out of the driving seat. It's a man. His long curly bangs are covering his eyes. I can't see his face clearly in the darkness, but there's no doubt he's not an ugly man. But what's he doing here, all alone?

I've heard that some people use such abandoned house to make illegal deals or use as a hideout. But all my suspicions start fading when he takes out the key from his pocket, and opens the door of the house. So, he's the owner? He bought the house... Or maybe took on rent. Who knows. But I'm certainly curious. Something is off with this guy. Who just moves in, in the middle of the night, and without any luggage? He didn't take out a single bag from his car. He's weird.

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