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The next day was a very busy one to say the least. The moment Jungkook woke up, he felt his head spin with the amount of things he was being told at once. Taehyung was hurrying him while getting dressed into some shirt and sweatpants which he had randomly picked from his closet.

"Quick, wake up! I let you sleep a little longer than I was supposed to but you really have to get up, Kook. We have to get to rehearsal immediately, we don't have time for breakfast so we're gonna eat in the car and the car's gonna leave in like 10 minutes, so up! There's also some further adjustments to be made and ah! There'll be an interview or something before we begin the concert. I think it's more of a solo commentary for each member, I'm not too sure, Namjoon hyung said it to me when I was barely even awake," the elder rambled, Jungkook catching merely a few sentences since he was still half awake.

Jungkook turned around to land on his stomach and pulled a pillow over his head. He didn't like being rushed in the morning, it gave him a headache.

Taehyung sighed and approached him. He took the pillow away and removed the blanket from him as well. Placing a little kiss on the side of the younger's head, he said in a much softer voice, "c'mon bun, you have to get up. The boys are also waiting. We don't want to be late now, do we?"

Jungkook shook his head and pouted before sitting up on the bed while rubbing his tired eyes. Taehyung ruffled his hair and cooed at how adorable the boy looked. The older went to the bathroom and came back with a toothbrush whose bristles had toothpaste on them.

"Here, brush your teeth quickly," he said to Jungkook, nearly putting the brush in his mouth while the younger was yawning.

Jungkook stopped him and frowned. "Wait, I have to rinse my mouth first," he said groggily as he took the toothbrush from the elder and got up, almost falling over.

He made his way to the bathroom, put some water in his mouth, allowing it to circulate around before spitting it out and then began brushing his teeth. His eyes were nearly closing due to how exhausted he was after the earlier events.

Taehyung, being aware of that fact, had allowed him to sleep for much longer, hence why they were running late. The elder followed him to the bathroom and let out a small smile at the sight of his boyfriend looking like a cute baby.

He walked closer to him and hugged him from behind. "I know this is not the most pleasant morning you've had but think of our concert tonight. It's gonna be amazing! And I love you," Taehyung said cheerfully, pecking his cheek before detaching himself from Jungkook to leave.

"I wav you joo," Jungkook responded, mouth full of foaming toothpaste. Taehyung chuckled and left.

Several hours and rehearsals later, the seven boys were anxiously waiting for the concert to begin. They could already hear ARMYs chanting, screaming and cheering outside and they felt their hearts beat faster at the thought of being on stage in some minutes.

Adrenaline rushed through them as they felt even more excited to perform. Yet, they were still a bit nervous, considering they wanted to do their best and not mess up.

"All right, the cameras for broadcasting have been set up and you guys have 30 more minutes to prepare yourselves before you have to be up there," one of the crew members said to the boys who were trying to calm themselves.

The opening concert would be broadcasted on Vlive for ARMYs unable to attend to watch. Jungkook looked through his phone and noticed that the broadcast was not on Vlive+ but on the free version instead.

He frowned, a little perplexed. He was glad that every ARMY would be able to enjoy the concert for free but it was still a little strange. Usually, the staff would make sure to put this type of content as paid one so as to increase the revenue of the company.

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