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"Guys! It's happening! I can't believe it!" Jungkook gushed the moment he burst into the practice room. He was panting heavily, looking even more breathless than all of us who have been practicing for three hours straight.

"Hey, hey calm down!" Jin chuckled as he approached the younger, patting him on the back, "what happened? What did you all talk about?"

Jimin, being the angel that he is, handed Jungkook a bottle of water as the others surrounded him. "Have this first," he said and in less than 10 seconds, Jungkook had chugged the whole bottle.

"Now tell us!" exclaimed Namjoon who was just as keen as everybody else to know what was going on. Well, everybody apart from me. I felt like whatever was going to come out of all this was nothing good. So I remained seated on the chair I had been sitting on when he entered, listening to the conversation.

"So I had been discussing with my family. We all finally came to an agreement and..." he trailed off. I felt my breath hitching. I knew what he was going to say, it was quite evident from the excitement he displayed when he came in but still, I hoped that was not what he was going to say.

"And?" Yoongi pressed.

"I am getting married in a month!" He exclaimed.

My whole world went crashing down as I saw Hoseok jumping on him, tackling him in a tight hug and all the boys congratulated him. They started talking about various other things and Jungkook told them how the meeting with both families had been today.

I could barely make out the words he was saying as my mind revolved around the 7 words he said earlier. My mind was not functioning properly anymore. Good thing I was sitting because, if not, I would have probably fallen to the ground as I felt my legs shaking.

Jungkook, my Jungkook, was getting married in a month. I would stop seeing him everyday at the dorm. I would no longer be having those long video game sessions with him. He would no longer be sneaking into my room at night because his room was too untidy. We would no longer be cuddling to sleep at night.

This was bound to happen since he got engaged around 2 months ago but I did not expect it to happen so soon. This could really not be happening. What was I going to do without him?


This is my first fanfic, I hope you will like it!💜
Started on: 5th April 2020 (yep, on Taekook day because I couldn't think of any better day to start publishing it!)

I know that the plot seems kinda boring for now but I promise it'll get better. And I'll also do my best to update every week!

Since this is only the prologue, I'll be updating the 1st chapter in 2 days. So stay tuned for more!
After that, the other chapters will be published every Saturday!

I hope you will like this story and show some support by voting and giving feedbacks!

보라해 (I purple you💜)

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