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For hours, they all remained outside the operation theatre, praying that it was not as severe as it seemed. But those who had seen Namjoon knew how grievous his injuries were.

No words were spoken besides their manager occasionally asking if anyone would like to have anything from the clinic's cafeteria. He was met with the same response each time; everyone shaking their head 'no', claiming to have no appetite.

As more and more time went by, the wait became simply unbearable. The light outside the operation theatre remained red, indicating that the surgery was still in process.

The whole time, everyone remained there, including Hoseok's elder sister, Jiwoo. She had been with him when they got the news and both had rushed to the clinic immediately. Owing to her previous encounters with the boys when she would come to meet her brother, Jiwoo was well acquainted with the members and she was deeply worried about Namjoon too.

A few hours following the accident, Namjoon's parents also arrived at the clinic. They had thankfully been in the suburbs of Seoul when they had gotten the news. An anguish feeling was etched onto their faces, the torment already reflecting in their eyes as they could only wonder about their son's condition.

No one had it in them to tell them the truth and merely resorted to comforting them by assuring that Namjoon would be alright. His mother was still sobbing while his father tried his best to remain composed although his facial expressions showed how anxious he was.

After she had finally calmed down, though there were still silent tears running down her cheeks, Namjoon's mother shakily asked, "ho-how did a-all this even happen?"

Yoongi, who had been the one to receive the call about Namjoon's accident, started explaining. "He got hit by a car when he was riding the bicycle on his way back from the art gallery. The car was overtaking another one and it drove onto the bicycle path. The driver has been caught and I believe he's been sentenced for some time in jail."

His mother nodded, not asking for further details as she knew the boys must be really worried too. Especially Yoongi who had been the one to witness Namjoon's state after the accident. The young male had still been sleeping when he had been awoken by his phone repeatedly ringing.

After getting the news that Namjoon had gotten into an accident, he had immediately rushed out, heading to the site where it had happened, not too far from their apartment.

The scene he had been met with was an awful one. There had been blood everywhere. He had seen his friend lying there, in a puddle of the red fluid while more of the liquid oozed from his body.

Thanks to his practical thinking, Yoongi had brought a medical kit with him, consisting of all kinds of first aid supplies. He had done his best to stop further bleeding while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

After a few more minutes, the small light at the top of the operation theatre went from red to green, indicating the surgery was over. A doctor stepped out of the room and their manager, Sejin, went up to him.

"How is he, Doctor?" He asked anxiously. Among all the boys, he had known Namjoon for the longest and had watched him grow into the incredible person he was today. It was safe to say that he was as worried as the members and the boy's parents.

"All internal bleeding has been stopped and his wounds have been stitched," the doctor began and a few sighs of relief could be heard.

However, everyone stiffened at his next words. "His condition is still a little unstable though. He's unconscious and it's hard to tell when he'll wake up."

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