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The Stay Gold MV is so beautiful oh my god! I'm in love...the aesthetic, the visuals, the storyline, without forgetting their amazing voices! This is ART!!!


When they were done, Taehyung changed into more casual clothing and rushed to find Jungkook, intending to make up for the time he'd lost while he had been so stupidly avoiding him for a month or so.

Before he could find him, the younger was the one to spot him first, calling out to him, "Hyung! You alright now? What was it earlier that made you cry like that?"

Taehyung faced him with a cute boxy smile adorning his features. "Yes, thank you about earlier. And don't worry about it, it's all fine. It was kind of silly anyway," Taehyung assured and Jungkook didn't look too convinced.

The older noticed that and before Jungkook could open his mouth to insist, he changed the topic, "say, you wanna watch a movie or something with me when we reach home? It's been a while since we last did."

"Yeah, it's been. But let's do it some other day, I just promised Haesoo-noona that I would drop her to her place and we would binge-watch this new anime that recently came out. I'll be home a bit late I guess," he replied.

Taehyung's smile faltered on hearing that but he tried keeping himself composed to not show the disappointment he felt. He nodded. "okay, yeah, let's do it another day," he said, voice so soft that he wondered whether the younger had even heard him.

He cleared his throat and raised his tone of voice before adding, "you should go. It wouldn't be nice to keep her waiting."

Jungkook nodded and broke out in a run after shouting a "see you at the dorm" to Taehyung. The latter smiled and waved at him but as soon as he disappeared from his sight, Taehyung's expression fell. He's already started choosing her over me, he thought bitterly.

He couldn't sleep at all after reaching the dorm. He was exhausted but his mind just didn't want to shut down. He kept thinking back about how excited Jungkook seemed to have been to go with Haesoo. A part of him tried to convince himself that he was just excited to watch the new season of shokugeki no soma but the other pessimist part told him that it was because of the girl he was going to watch it with.

And so, entertained by his thoughts, Taehyung decided to wait for Jungkook to come back. Maybe seeing the ravenette back would bring some peace to him and he would finally be able to sleep.

It had been hours and he was still not back. It was already 1 a.m. and Taehyung was starting to grow worried. Two hours ago, Seokjin had told him he'd better go to sleep rather than keep waiting but as the clock ticked by, he felt the need to keep waiting so that this anxiety he felt would go away.

He had to make sure Jungkook was okay before going to sleep. What if something had happened to him while he was on his way back? Taehyung didn't want to think about it and merely kept waiting, his obnoxious negative brain feeding him with scenarios of the pair enjoying each other's company as if no one else mattered and it made him want to cry again.

Taehyung's pessimistic side then concluded that Jungkook would probably be spending the night there itself and it was pointless to wait. Just as he was about to get up from the couch and leave, the front door creaked open and Jungkook walked in, closing the door behind him as quietly as possible.

Taehyung leapt to his feet the moment he saw the younger entering and ran up to him, catching him by surprise as he engulfed the ravenette in a hug. "Woah hyung, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Jungkook exclaimed as he returned the hug.

Taehyung pulled away quickly and allowed his eyes to rake over the younger boy's appearance, eyes searching for any injury or anything that could've been the result of him getting hurt. "Are you okay? Why are you so late? Did something happen?" He asked, the worry lacing his tone also visible in his eyes as they went back up to Jungkook's face.

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