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"Just try not to get murdered."


"Breathe, Liv, it's probably nothing," I whisper to myself, staring at my reflection in the mirror, "Life's great, amazing! You just got to a point where you can say whole heartedly you'd never change a thing. Nothings wrong, it can't be."

I can feel my heart accelerate, thundering like a train track in my ears. The sound increases in pitch and volume, and the track in my mind starts to vibrate with the incoming train of emotions. I almost feel lightheaded, and the nausea from the situation doesn't help at all. I didn't think I'd be in this situation, I thought I'd at least get to twenty four, but noooooooo.

Izzy paces on the other side of the room, and I know she can't help it, but it's stressing me out more. Half of me wants to trap her in the glass shower and turn the water on so I can't hear her yelling at me when I do. But I won't — there's bigger matters to discuss, and nerves are a thundering tornado that's whirling uncontrollably inside us both.

My fingers tap relentlessly against the marble counter top, my elbows leaning against it as we wait for the results. I can't help but feel a mixture of emotions: What if I die? How would he react? How long would I have left?

Not knowing something is the worse. The thought of the unknown terrifies me, as I'd think it does to many others too. The unknown of what's going to happen. The unknown of why. The unknown of how... Well, I know why. The unknown of what our lives are going to be like after.

And like clock work — as if it's just sinked itself to my mind and decided right now, this very second, is a good chance to alert us — Izzys phone goes off.

She stops her pacing and hurry's to grab it off the counter, staring at the screen, her eyes moving faster than light as they skim the words on the device. I hold my breath, ready for the news, but so utterly scared too.

Her dark eyes lift up to look at my hazel ones, and that single look in her eyes tells me all I need to know.



"Try this one," Izzy shoves a cake into my mouth, "I tried to follow a mundane recipe."

I choke on the food, having had it shoved in my mouth and all. There's something not that quite right with it, and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's the texture that feels like sand, or it's the gooey thing in the middle that doesn't taste like icing. Either way, I grimace and slowly chew, my throat tightening and begging me not to swallow.

"Hmm," I give her a fake smile and force it down.

"So?" She pesters, leaning forward with wide eyes and a smile, "How was it?"

"Nice. Wonderful!" I respond, cringing at the after taste, "I especially liked the gooey bit in the middle."

She frowns, "I didn't put anything gooey in the middle."

"What?!" I exclaim wide eyed, "How long did you cook them for?!"

"The recipe said fifteen minutes, but our oven is quicker so I put them in for five."

"Oh god," I gag, running to the sink, "You just fed me raw egg!"


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