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"News flash, Princess. I do own the place."


I finally rip my eyes away from the Adonis when the tight hold on my elbow starts to become increasingly uncomfortable. I turn my head to Izzy, watching as her head tilts to the side in curiosity — like how a puppy would — and her dark eyes zero in on the men. I follow her gaze and come across a tall, and very well built man that stands just behind the king. I swear, and I mean swear, I saw her eyes twinkle at the sight of him, and I find myself internally smirking.

The king walks further into the room, his domineering steps calculated and slow. His eyes seem to study us all, before finally resting on Alec who stands in front of the large crowd.

"Alec Lightwood, I would presume?" His voice sounds like honey; silky and smooth. But it's deep and strong too; commanding and powerful.

I know for certain, from this very small insight on this man, that I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of his wrath. There's no wonder he's the king.

"Yes, your highness," Alec responds, his posture straight and face blank of any emotion — apparently how a shadow-hunter should look.

"Let's go then," The king nods his head towards the hall that Izzy and I came from earlier, "I'd like to get this meeting out of the way as soon as possible."

"Right away," Alec turns to look at me and beckons me over with a flick of his wrist.

I reluctantly detach myself from Izzy and walk over to Alec, following behind the King and his men as they storm to the office. I don't think I've ever felt this nervous before, but there's apart of me that's refusing to be a wimp. I refuse to get pushed around, to be belittled and told what to do just because of my DNA.

The room is bright, but the atmosphere is not.

The king takes a seat in Alecs chair behind the desk, and the men stand around the walls, their faces stoic, like the terrifying man before us. Alec and I both take the chairs in front, and I find myself folding my hands in my lap, twirling the dainty silver bracelet on my wrist that Jack got me for my birthday.

The door shuts closed with a bang, and all eyes seem to be on us — well, on me.

"So you're the girl that's caused such a ruckus amongst the Clave?" He comments, quirking an eyebrow.

"I haven't even done anything," I find myself saying before I can stop myself. I don't regret it, because I haven't. As far as I'm aware, none of this is my fault.

The king hums and leans back against the chair, his right arm hanging over the arm rest, his long legs outstretched in front of him. You'd think he was relaxed, but I can see the tsunami of emotions quaking behind his thunder like eyes.

"It's seems you haven't," He muses, "Yet, your DNA says otherwise, and so does that letter."

I bite my tongue and force myself to not let any emotion drain onto my face, deciding to play him at his own game.

"That's hardly something I can help, is it?" I tilt my head to the side and let my eyebrows furrow together slightly, "Besides, why has a big ruckus been caused from a letter that could be fake?"

He leans forward on his chair and rests his muscular arms on the desk in front of him. I must have imagined it, or it's my eyes playing tricks on me, but I swear a golden light just flashed around the shape of his figure, causing me to jump. I see Alec tense through my peripheral vision, but I can't find it within myself to let this man get to me. I need to stand my ground, even if I want to shy away.

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