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"Sniff sniff, do I smell a future brotp?"


"The king."

"Why's that bad?" I ask.

Izzy sighs, "The king is a very powerful shadow-hunter and rightfully so as he's the king. But with him coming it means everyone is going to be under his watchful eyes and we'll all be under more pressure."

"Yeah," Jace says, "And I heard his mere presence has even the Clave on edge."

"Then why has the Clave sent him?" Clary asks, frowning.

"They didn't, matters like this get given to him to look over. He's decided to come here on his own will, which can't be a good thing as the King doesn't like to stay in places for too long," Alec responds.

What could this man really be like to have Alec acting like this? I mean, I know he's a king, and he's going to be tough. But an old, fat, wrinkly man, really? Just give him some cake and it'll shut him up for a while.

"Well isn't this just great," I sigh.

"It's not only that," Alec bites his lip, his eyebrows knitting together.

"What else?" Simon groans, throwing his head back as he leans against the wall behind him, his arms crossed over his chest that looks a little bit more muscled up than eight months ago. What kind of workouts has he been doing?!

"He's here to keep an eye on you," He turns to look at me, "Your existence has sent the whole Shadow world into a frenzy, so he wants to be here to keep an eye on you - to scope out if you're dangerous or not."

"So he's coming here to be my babysitter?" I ask bitterly.

"He just wants to make sure you're safe for yourself and for all of us," Alec explains, "You've got to understand that you're completely foreign to everyone. There has never been a warlock/shadowhunter ever documented in any of the books. You're a whole species of your own, one we don't know is dangerous or not. For all we know, your angel and demon demon blood could fight against each other, and it could send you evil, or you could explode, or you could have an outburst, or you cou- "

"I get it, Alec!" I snap.

"And to make sure what's going on is handled. You're a key part in all of this, whatever is going on will be around you. He wants to be at the institute to make sure that whatever is going on, and whatever evil is coming, doesn't get out of hand and destroy us all."

"Isn't that just great then," I roll my eyes.

"C'mon, Liv, let's go to the training room, I'll teach you how to fight," Izzy grabs my arm and starts pulling me down the corridors. My bottom lip stays clutched between my teeth, my whole body buzzing in anxiety.


"When I punch, you try and dodge or defend, okay?" Iz says as she stands in a fighting stance. I nod my head and copy her actions, opening my legs to keep my balance, and facing her with determination plastered on my face.



She throws her right fist at me, and I instinctively move my head to my right, grabbing her fist and using my body weight to flip her over my shoulder. She doesn't expect that and falls to the ground with a winded heave. I, myself, didn't expect that. I can't even kill a fly, let alone fight someone, so how on earth was I able to flip her over my shoulder? It almost felt natural, like an instinct took over and the need to prove myself pushed forward.

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