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Third POV

"Has anything changed?" Izzy asks the doctor.

The man looks up from his clipboard, having just been analysing the monitor Lovia is hooked up to. His face is somber, his lips twisted together as his eyes tells the people in the room louder than words ever could.

"Nothing," He says, speaking up anyways, "there's nothing physically speaking that's keeping her like this. Her wounds have healed, and the poison has passed."

"Could there be something else? Something you've missed, perhaps?" Donna asks, her face marred with worry as she sits impatiently on the chair beside her nieces bed.

"I can assure you that I haven't missed anything. We've kept a close eye on her, and nothing seems to be the matter. It's almost as if her mind is keeping her trapped."

"Like.... she doesn't want to wake up?" Clary questions him.

"Precisely," The doctor nods.

"Wonderful," Simon chimes, rubbing his forehead.

"So she's still in the coma?"


"Is there any telling how long she'll be like this?" Donna asks.

"Considering we don't even know the cause," the doctor begins, "then making a guess would be unfair to you all. She'll wake up when she wants to."

He leaves the room without much of a word, only offering the people inhabiting the space a sad smile, softly shutting the door behind him. Simon sags against the wall, rubbing at his temples.

"Maybe Magnus could take a look at her?" He asks.

"He's tried," Izzy tells him, "he said he couldn't find anything."

"Just because he couldn't find anything doesn't mean he didn't see anything. Maybe he didn't have to find it to be there?" Simon says.

"Are you doubting Magnus?" Donna frowns at the boy, rubbing her hands against her thighs.

"No, I'm just concerned about my best friend."

"I can assure you I didn't find anything," Magnus's voice rings out through the room, suddenly appearing, "Other than the fact that her body is empty, it's like she's not even there. I couldn't feel her but she's in there, her magic's quietly humming in her veins."

"Sorry," Simon sighs, "I shouldn't have doubted you."

Magnus waves him off, "Don't worry, you're allowed to be worried. Just, next time remember that if I were to keep anything from you, it would be for everyone else's own good. She'd know, however."

"Right," Simon nods.

"The only thing we can do is wait, she'll wake up if she wishes to."

"Well, what do we do till then?" Clary asks.

"We find whoever did this," Izzy says.


Liv's POV

I blink once, shakily lifting my hand to rub at my forehead. The rooms silent, the only sound coming from a humming somewhere in the vents, but I don't pay it much mind. My head is whirling, my thoughts bubbling together.

I can feel something churning within me, feel my heart race and something strong rush though my blood. I don't know what's up with me, but I do know that my eyes burn and the memory of what I just went through still lingers in my mind.

I was drugged, right?

Ghost don't actually exist.

They can't.

But... they wouldn't be the worst thing that's happened — or real. I mean, literal demons exist. Angel blooded humans go about saving the day, and I'm half of one of them. Ghost existing, Pfft not the worst thing to happen.

The door clicks open and closed, and i turn towards the towering figure now in the room I seem to be becoming quite acquainted with. Vin. Or, king Vin as he's formally known as. He looks at me, his face blank of any emotion — like it always is. Like how most shadow hunters faces always usually are — and his hair is rustled atop his head, again, not anything of the unusual.

"You're up," he says. I want to roll my eyes and say something along the lines of 'no shit Sherlock' but I really don't have the energy. And I really can't mentally deal with the repercussions of being rude to his highness.

"Yes... I am."

"We need to talk," he tells me, walking to stand opposite my bed. It's intimidating to be lying here looking like the love child of Shrek and Voldemort while he's disgustingly handsome — the product of a devil, because only they can be that sinfully beautiful.

It greatly pains me to think that.

"Okay," my voice is quiet, bland. I don't have the energy to force any kind of tone into it.

"We're sending you away."

I go to fling myself upright, to yell at him and demand questions, but he shoots me a look that would have even lucifer pausing in place.

"Why?" I have to force the words out over a cough. A cough that holds down all my sudden aggression and anger.

"You need to grow stronger, you need to build your powers and fully accept them, because you haven't. So you're being sent to the institute in London. After the war they started working closely with warlocks, and the clave gave their full approval, as did I. Your best shot is to go there and learn as best as you can, plus train to the best of your ability. You leave tonight, you'll be there for as long as you need, if anything happens with the new threat, and we need you, you'll be sent for."

He leaves without further discussion.

I thought Magnus was helping me!

I want to scream at him — yell. But what good would that do me?

I always wanted to visit london, I guess I'll just be going there under different circumstances than I thought I would.

When I tell you this is unedited — I'm screaming it.

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