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The book sits levitated in front of me, my index finger raised in the air and flipping the pages. If I'm to practice my magic, then I might as well put it to good use. Aka, when I'm too lazy to do things for myself.

Yes, it's probably getting me into bad habits. But if you had the power to levitate and move things without actually touching them, you can't tell me you wouldn't do this too.

The London institute is amazing, the people are great and the foods good — if that was bad then I don't care what the king says, I'm going home — so there's not much to complain about... other than the fact that I miss everyone back in New York. I miss aunt Donna's hugs ams Simon irritating me, and annoying clary and hanging out with Izzie. Believe it or not, but I also annoy irritating the king — even if it has been intentional or not.

I don't know how I haven't been thrown into a Shadowhunters prison yet. Surely you'd think I'd have a first class ticket by now...

I'm close with Caleb and he's taught me a lot, and today we're even figuring out one of the necklaces powers. That's something I'm excited for. Keeping myself buys with training in both combat shadow Hunter stuff — learning all about this new world — and building my magic stamina, there's not enough time in my day for me to dwell on the sad part of my life.

But sometimes the rugs pulled out from under my feet and the cotton is removed from my eyes, and the feelings and thoughts rush in like a tsunami.

"Get up, lovia, today's the day — I can just sense it!" Speaking of the devil.

My eyes dart up to Caleb, lips pursing and eyebrows furrowing. "What do you mean?"

"You're necklace? I have been doing some research through ancient books, and I think I know how to tell what your necklaces gift is. If we can figure it out, it might help with the war coming. I have a good feeling about it."

I stare at him in shock. "What is it?!"

"It's more of a show rather than a tell situation."

"Take me there then!"

His eyes roll — something everyone who's around me tends to do — and beckons me to follow him. We walk down the windy corridors and down a couple flights of stairs, and finally end up at a big set of swinging double doors. I feel nerve bite my toes and butterflies swarm my belly. By the end of today I could know what my necklaces gift it. But the end of today, I will know if I have anything useful to use in this war coming.

"You ready?" Caleb asks.

"Mmhhm." I'm afraid that if I respond in words my voice might shake. Lives depend on me harnessing my power, my sanity depends on me knowing what this gift is.

The unknown is something I've always hated it — something I've always feared — and not knowing anything about myself, is something that kills me a little but inside. However dramatic that sounds.

He doesn't wait another second and pushes open the doors. The rooms dark and filled with crates, shelves line the walls and dust particles dance in the blackness. I go to walk in, by Calebs hand shoots out and stops me just before I step in.

"You have to go in alone," he tells me. "There's nothing in there that will hurt you, but you might feel... a presence. Don't be alarmed, ignore it. Now, I want you to shut off you brain. Think of nothing and open up your senses, allow yourself to dig into the bucket of power in your soul and feel you mind connect with the necklace — then, you should get the answer you need."

With a nod of my head and my heart in my throat, I step into the room. Caleb let's the door swings shut, and I hear a lock click. Suddenly, I find myself locked in a dark room, and those dust particles I could see only moments ago; become nothing but darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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