Slow Down

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Bendy stretched, lifting his head. Henry was rubbing his eyes, Tom was working at the workbench.

"Goodness," Susannah whispered.

"What's wrong, doll?" Bendy gazed up at her.

"Nothing," she smiled and ruffled his horns.

The toon frowned in disbelief and tackled her, she was pushed back and knocked Sammy.

"Jesus," he breathed as he woke up. "Could you two get any more annoying?"

"Sorry," she apologized. "This cheeky boy started tackling me." She poked his side, he growled and leapt for her again.

Susannah stood up and picked up Bendy as he tickled her. "Don't attack me, attack Sammy!"

The demon whipped his head around and pounced on Sammy, jabbing his hands into his stomach.

"Hey! That's not funny!" he pulled away and held the demon at an arm's length.

Allison giggled. "Someone's happy today."

"Okay, Bendy, that's enough," Susannah laughed, and sat at the workbench. "What was your dream about, Sammy?"

"Well, I was actually human once again."

"Really?" She picked up a pencil. "What did you look like?"

"I had a flowing cascade of blonde hair... Or it could've been brown, I'm not sure. I had ice blue eyes, my face was angular and I was well built if I do say so myself."

She giggled and began sketching. After a while she brought it back to Sammy who was waiting for her.

He studied it, it was well done.

"Can you bring me your pencil?"

Susannah tossed it over to him, he used his knee to draw on.

"Amazing," he complimented her once he added sharper lines to his jaw, and thicker and longer hair. "This is absolutely amazing."

She smiled and squeezed her own hand. "Thanks."

"She's wonderful at drawing," Henry shouted from his bed. "One day she'll be as good as me!"

Bendy climbed up and sat at the workbench. With his black hand, he began to draw.

The girl sat next to him. "Are you sure you don't want to use a pencil?"

He nodded as his finger glided over the paper. "Makes drawing a lot easier."

She rolled her eyes and patted him. "Whatever you say, 'toots.'"

The toon nudged her side with his head. "Shush, doll."

A groan sounded from their room, Susannah perked her head up.

Henry's face was squished in pain as he swung his legs out.

"No, no, Henry don't," she rushed over to him and put her hand on his arm. "You're not ready to get up yet."

"It's okay," he shook his head and tried to get up again.

"No, Henry," Susannah said firmly, standing up. "You need to stop pushing yourself. You already knocked yourself out with your hands before. You need to slow down."

He sighed. "Alright, I'm just used to pushing myself in this hellhole."

Bendy walked over to them, holding his drawing with his two gloved hands.

"Here ya go," he handed it to the man.

It was of Henry, Susannah and Bendy standing in a large field, a Boris seemed to be standing with them, eating a sandwich.

He pointed to the wolf. "That's my best pal, Boris. There were so many of 'em here at the studio before, ya know, Alice got to 'em. I would never hurt anyone of 'em, well, except one."

Henry held it out in front of his eyes. "This one's going on the fridge."

"Fridge?" The little demon tilted his head.

"It's what you put food in to keep it from going off," Henry explained.

"Have you figured out how to cut off the machine yet?" Susannah asked nervously, trying to change the subject.

Tom walked in. 'Actually, yes. The machine is like a living thing, we need to kill it as though it is a living creature.'

"We should cut the pipes off one by one," Susannah added. "Then stab it through the middle."

Henry nodded. "We can try."

"Once you're healed enough," Allison narrowed her eyes. "We can't lose you again, Henry."

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