"Alison, wait."

"What?" I spit back at him, my anger getting the better of me.

"Don't be mad at me," he says in a defeated voice.

"I'm not mad at you," I respond. I close my eyes and sigh heavily. How could I tell him that I'm jealous of all the women that he has loved in the past? That just sounds absolutely crazy, but it was the truth.

"Good," he says, and I open my eyes to look at him. His eyes are suddenly dark with lust and they wander over my face and chest. "That is a beautiful top," he says in a deep voice. His hand reaches out and his index finger traces over the clasps of my corset. His hand rises and rests on my cheek his thumb brushing my lower lip. I close my eyes, letting the feeling of his skin on mine take me completely. I lean into his hand, nuzzling my face into his palm. I kiss the pad of his thumb and then slowly, I take his thumb into my mouth, taking it completely into my mouth. I hear him suck in a tight breath when my tongue comes into contact with his finger. That sound mixed with the sound of my mouth sucking, travelled south of my body and made the apex of my thighs pinch. I pulled my head away and up his thumb, sucking my saliva away. When his thumb is removed from my mouth, he lazily lets it drag down my bottom lip and pulls my lip down slightly with it.

"God, I love your mouth," he says, and with the mention of 'love' I move away from him. There was that panic feeling lingering in my chest again, making me feel sick. I pulled away from him, my mind wandering off into all different directions.

I get out of the car abruptly, locking the car once I heard the passenger door close and I went inside heading straight to my room. I take off my jacket, placing it in my closet on a hanger and hear my bedroom door open.

"I thought you weren't mad at me," he prompts. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"I'm not mad at you," I say, taking off my shoes. "I'm mad at myself," I explain.

"Why are you mad at yourself?" he asks, clear confusion in his voice. He stood back at my bedroom door, not taking another step inside.

"Because..." I try and begin but fail. I begin to take off my socks now and soon after my pants, gliding them slowly over my legs. "Because, I want to be the only one you love," I confess in a rush. I step out of my pants in a rush and turn around to face him.

"Ali..." he breathes and his sharp intake of breath rushes all over me. His eyes linger all over my body, from the tip of my head to the end of my legs. His eyes visibly full of so much lust, need and want, and I'm sure my eyes looked the same.

I look in the mirror beside me to find out why. The corset I wore was pointed at the hem in the middle, stopping at my belly button, making the sides rise up higher and synch in my waist. The metal hooked lines down the front only made my waist look smaller and my hips and chest larger. And with it, I only wore thin black lace underwear. His eyes were predominantly focused on the thin layer of skin that was exposed around my hips from where my underwear hung low on my hips. My hair, while it was still curled, looked messy and wild from a night of working. I looked like a twenty-first century renaissance whore, and I kind of liked it... a lot.

He tries to take a step closer towards me, but I end up taking a step back. If he touches me, I know I will forget everything that I am upset and angry about and succumb to him; and he knows it too.

"Don't tease me," he says in a low and husky voice and I freeze where I am. He takes another step closer towards me until I could feel his breath on my face, and I lift my head up towards his.

Touch me, please. I needed him on me desperately. Needed him to hold me. Needed his skin on mine.

He was breathing just as quickly as I was. I seemed to of not get enough air into my lungs, the corset tightening with every rapid pant I took.

"Have I..." His hand rises and the tip of his finger traces over my collarbone and his cold finger causes me to shiver and goose bumps to rise all over my skin. "Ever told you..." his fingers continue to drag lightly over my chest. "How much I love your chest?" he asks. His fingers continue their path on my chest. He brushes them lightly over each of my breasts. They were pressed down from how tight the corset was, making them show over the top of the corset. His finger dips slowly into my cleavage and dips back out and I shake when he does.

There was a burning sensation in me, wanting to jump him right here and right now, needing him to touch me and kiss me, and do whatever he wants to me.

His hands descent down my body, feeling every curve and dip in my body and I lean forwards into him. His hand rest at the small of my back, pulling me closer and his head falls down, kissing the centre of my chest and I shake, moaning softly with my head tipped back. I let my hands rest against his biceps, loving the heat and muscle I felt underneath his think T-shirt.

"And your neck," he says against my skin and the feeling of his breath washes over my chest. He continues the trail of kisses up my neck, nipping and sucking along his trail, licking over each of the nips he made with his teeth, so it didn't hurt as much. I rest my head to the side, giving him access to my neck and the heat of his mouth made my knees wobbly. His kisses dragged along my neck, to my cheek and headed straight for my mouth.

His hands travel behind me and cups each of my butt cheeks, then pulling me closer so I was pressed against him. I could feel his growing erection against me, which made my heart rate rise even more.

He parts from me suddenly. Looking down at me.

"I love you," he says against my mouth. 

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