Chapter 19.

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Emmett and I stood at the entrance of the door with the groceries in our hands. While Emmett was joking about not looking and places the groceries on the kitchen counter, I felt as if someone had punch me in the middle of the chest.

I couldn't stop looking at Zac. When we walked into the house, they both stood there facing each other. Her hand was on his cheek, their faces were close together as if they just parted from kissing. Her shirt was in his hand and she stood in front of him wearing a white bra.

"I'm so sorry," the blonde girl said, and she grabbed her shirt from Zac's hands. She quickly placed it over her head, adjusting the short to her body.

I was so shocked that I could barely register the pinching feeling in my face signalling tears, but I pushed them down aggressively.

I was watching Zac. His eyes were wide as if he was shocked and he stared back at me. Why was he the one who was shocked?

"Jesus, Zac. You know you do have a bedroom, right?" Emmett says, laughing. "Hi Sara."

"Hi, I'm so sorry," the blond girl says, and I finally look away from Zac and look at her. She was beautiful. Her blonde hair was cut below her shoulders in waves shaping her round face. Her body was petite and small. Her eyes were almond shaped and a bright shade of blue, her features looked elfin. She looked as if she came out of a modelling magazine.

"I'm Sara, Zac's girlfriend."

Zac's girlfriend.

It felt as if I had been shot. Someone may as well gut me like a fish, because my insides felt rotten and I was sure it would hurt less than what I was feeling right now.

She extended her hand out towards me to shake and I was so grateful that I had the bags in my hands.

She took her hand away when she realised her mistake. I looked away from her beautiful face to Zac's not hiding my shocked expression.

"And you are?" Sara says and her eyes travel to Zac's.

"This is Ali," Zac says, still looking at me.

"Oh, you're Ali," she says, her head turning towards me with a wide smile. "I've heard so much about you," she says.

I fake a smile and look at her. "That's funny, I've heard nothing about you," I say, and Emmett comes and gets the bags from my hands.

"Sara is Zac's girlfriend, I'm sure he's mentioned her over dinner before" Emmett says, and I have never snapped my eyes towards something or someone so quick. I look at Emmett.

Why the fuck hasn't he said anything to me? More importantly, why the fuck hasn't Zac said anything?

This rage built up inside of me. I was mad at Emmett. I was mad at Zac. I was mad at this small blonde girl standing in front of me. More specifically, I was mad at myself.

I walk into the kitchen, trying to hide the rage from my face and help put the groceries away, trying to distract myself from the situation that was playing in front of me.

"I'm making tacos tonight," Emmett says and it's a great change of subject, but I keep working, flicking my eyes towards Zac every couple of seconds.

"That's good," Zac says.

"Sara, will you be staying for dinner?" Emmett asks her.

"I'm not sure, am I?" Sara says and looks at Zac with that question in her eyes.

I look at Zac too. I felt as if I had been glued to this exact spot. A surge of regret and guilt flooding through my body. I needed to get out of here. I needed to leave. I wanted to run.

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