"You two are really close, hey?"

"Yes," I say with a single nod of my head and felt a smile creep on my face thinking about memories of Emmett and me.

"And he lived next to you growing up?"

"Well aren't you perceptive. Yes, we did."

"Have you ever thought about dating Emmett?" he asks and my head snaps towards him.

"Never!" I laugh. "He is quite literally like a fourth brother to me. When I was growing up it felt like no one was there for me, until I met Emmett and his beautiful family who protected me in a way my own family never could," I explain.

"That's beautiful," he says, softly.

"Yeah, it is isn't it?" I smile to myself. "Why do you ask?" I was extremely curious now.

"No particular reason," he says, but he looks away which tells me he may be hiding something.

"Seriously, why?" I ask, waiting and he looks down at me.

"Fine," he says, sighing. "When you two first arrived, I thought you and him may be a thing," he answers honestly, and I smile broadly.

"Seriously?" I was shocked.


"Why?" I was shocked. I understood that some people thought we were a couple. We were connected at the hip and got along like two peas in a pod.

"Well... When you first moved in..." he started.

"Yes?" I prompt.

"When you first moved in," he sighs and continues, "You guys came in with your boxes and you just had an energy about you guys," he looks away from me and there was a tone in his voice.


"You made him laugh and he made you laugh in return."

"I still don't understand?" I ask, quizzically. His jaw clicked and I could see his muscle bounce when it finally clicked. "Are you jealous?" I ask before I could control myself.

"No," he responds again, but he looks away again.

I sit up on my knees in front of him, not worrying about my blanket falling down and exposing my naked chest. "You are!" I could scream with how happy this made me feel. Made me feel as if I was wanted. He cared enough about me to become jealous.

"Shut up! Maybe I am," he says and has a small smile.

"Why?" I ask, wanting to know more. "How could you possibly feel jealous?" It was a genuine question. I didn't understand how he could feel jealous when he meant so much to me.

He smiled to himself.

"Tell me," I whine, and I shake his arm.

"Do that again, your breast shake beautifully when you do," he teases.

I shake my head and grab the blanket and cover my chest. "So you don't get distracted, now tell me, please."

"It's hard to explain but I felt almost connected to you when we first met..."

I bit my lower lip, trying to suppress a smile and nod my head. I felt the same, but I was scared to confess that.

He continues, "I wanted to be the one that made you laugh." His eyes look away from me.

"You do though," I say.

"I wanted to be the only one."

"Oh," I smile broadly now.

"Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not," I continue smiling broadly.

He looks away and looks sad all of a sudden.

I grab his face with both of my hands. "There is nothing, and there will never be anything between Emmett and I." This was a fact. "You make me really happy, Isaac... most of the time at least," I shrug and listen to him chuckle.

"I'm sorry about those times," he says in an almost defeated voice, but I felt there was more to what he was saying.

He is family and nothing more. I look into his eyes and keep his gaze. "Absolutely nothing with him or anyone else," I declare and there was a piercing feeling in my chest.

I take my hands away, the feeling taking over my whole body. There would be nothing between me and everyone else, but for him and everyone else is a completely different story. I don't think I would ever be able to take someone I had just met home and fuck them, but apparently, he can and multiple times. How could he get jealous about this when he's the one who is fucking everyone else and also having a girlfriend at the time when we were fooling around? We didn't do much at this time, but it was enough to warrant cheating... what if he cheats on me, not that we're a thing, but still? Now it was my time to feel jealous.

I get back into my bed properly, preparing myself for a sleep that I knew would take me forever to achieve.

"They didn't mean anything to me," he admits in a small voice. "Not like you do." His eyes are steady, and he looks at me. He brings his hand to my cheek and wipes away a tear I didn't know had fallen.

How he knew what I was thinking, I didn't know, but I'm not sure I like it.

"I feel for you and only you," he admits. He leans down further on the bed, propping himself up using his elbow. This confession was reassuring.

This feeling that is balled up inside of me scared me so much. Why would anyone purposefully want to feel like this? I nod my head, taking comfort in his confession like a blanket.

I wanted to believe him. I wanted to, truly, but there was a giant nagging in my chest that I couldn't ignore.

"You don't believe me, do you?" he asks.

I nod my head again, afraid that if I tried to speak then my voice would break and crack underneath the strain of what I was feeling.

"I'll make you believe it, Angel, and I'll try and make you laugh every chance I get" he smiles, sadly.

And I hope he does. 

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