"Ow stop! Bitch!" I jumped up too now throwing the pillow away and running down the hall to the kitchen. Her apartment was connected like a circle so once I was past the kitchen I was in her bedroom and I could hear her running after me.
"Stop running, I'm not fit!" she shouted, and I fell to the floor with her falling next to me and we caught our breath. My heart was racing, and the vodka made my heart race in my ears.

"Men are trash!" she screams to the roof and I laugh.

"Men are trash," I repeat, not to her but to myself.

No matter what happens though, I knew I would always love him. I would get home, ignore him, watch him bring home yet another girl and I would do nothing but watch the person I love walk inside his bedroom knowingly about to fuck someone else.

I didn't cry right now because I knew he was fucking someone else; I was crying because I knew no matter what shit he pulled, I would always love him.

I drowned my sorrows in the rest of the bottle, both of us finishing off the rest of my bottle.

"I really do love him," I tell her, keeping my eyes on the roof and letting the tears flow.

"Jesus Christ!" she sits up in a hurry and scares me.

"What?" I shout, panicking.

"I have the best idea in the whole entire world," she squeals and claps her hands together.

"Good God," I say, sitting up. "What is the idea?"

"Hair cut!" she shouts and is smiling.

I look at her hair which is already short in an almost bob on her head.
"There's not much more to cut off," I say.

"Not me, you, ya bitch!" she says.

"I don't think so," I chuckle.

I liked my hair. Sure, it was a hell of a lot of pain, being so thick and long, but it was fine. I don't remember the last time I actually got a haircut.

"No," I repeat when her face starts looking at me in a suggestive way.

"YES," she replies.

"I'm not getting a haircut," I say again.

"I think it would be a really great idea," she says. She gets up and I'm shouting at her not to. We were very drunk, so the both of us were just a pathetic drunken mess, laughing our heads off.

I watched Maddie walk into the bathroom and bring out a pair of silver hairdressing scissors.

"Where the fuck did these come from?" I ask.

"I always cut my hair," she says and giggles. She sits down in front of me, crossing her legs.

"It will be really good for you," she says. "You also, have too much hair... look at it." She holds a long strand of my hair that was on my shoulder. It was already very fluffy from air drying.

"I have enough hair, like the right amount of hair," I tell her and chuckle but I'm seeing double now.

"Let's do it," she says smiling in front of me.

"No, no, no, no, no, no," I say repeatedly, shaking my head.

"You would look so hot," she says and with that I say...


She squeals and cheers in front of me waving her hands up high.

"You will look so fucking hot," She responds. She hands me another bottle and I completely finish the last finger left in the bottle.

"Okay, do it!" I shout at her as if I'm getting ready for a football game.

"Psych yourself up, sexy lady!" she says. She sits back down in front of me. She grabs a lock of hair that was sitting on my should and raises it.

"Are you ready?" she asks.

"Yes," I say and nod my head.

"Don't move, bitch," she says and laughs.

"Yeah, bitch," I reply, laughing, but keep my head still. My leg was bouncing with anticipation and I kept my eyes closed tight. I heard the sound of my hair getting cut, and I felt the hair fall on my leg.

My eyes and mouth open and I look at Maddie in front of her who was sporting a large smile from ear to ear.

"I cut your hair," she laughs.

"You cut my hair," I respond and laugh back. "Well, keep going," I say and watch her shuffle around me, snipping away and each time I kept my eyes shut, waiting for her to finish.

"Last little bit," she says, and the last bit was gone. "Done," she declared.

I instantly felt lighter. She cut it to my shoulders and once she was done, I bounded up and ran to the bathroom.

"If you've butchered my hair, I will kill you!" I shout out to her as I run to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror, turning my head from side to side. I felt magical. I looked good. I brought my head up close to the mirror, pressing my nose against the mirror until I touched it.

With all of my hair gone, you could really focus on the features of my face.

"I look so good!" I squeal back at her. 

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