"Shit, he's really affected you, hasn't he?" she says, and I feel that familiar pinch in my face.

I fucking fell in love with him, is what I wanted to say. I wanted to shout it from the roof tops. How could I be so stupid to fall in love with Isaac Trenton? I don't think I have ever fallen in love like this. I don't think that I have ever actually fallen in love before, and that made me sick to my stomach. Maybe that's why it has affected me so much.

"Maybe," I finally respond. "All I know is that I could really use a drink."

"Same sis, but I'm driving so I'll let you take mine for me," she laughs, and we went back to work.

It wasn't as busy tonight which I was thankful of, so when it was partially dead, Maddie would let me take a shot here and there, and by the end of our shift I was one shot away from being completely shitfaced. I loved the warm feeling hitting my stomach, engulfing me in its warmth. It was nice to feel something different other than this empty dread in the pit of my stomach.

Maddie gave me two more shots to down before we left and I gladly took them, at that state of drunk where I couldn't even taste the vodka on my tongue. I was breathing heavy now, as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the room to fill my lungs.

"Fuck, I got you really drunk," she cringes, and I try and tell her it was okay, but I could barely even open my eyes at this point. "I'm taking you home," she says with a guilty smile and I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

I could feel myself walking out of the bar and I hear a Koby's voice.

"Is she okay?" he asks, and I reply with audible words.

"She'll be fine," Maddie says. "She just needs a good night sleep."

Next thing I know I'm in a car and floating towards my house. I put my head on the window, allowing the cool window to lesson some of the throbbing in my head.

"I am drunk," I say to no one in particular and I hear Maddie laugh.

"Yes, you are," she says and I can hear the smile in her voice and that makes me giggle.

"I like being drunk," I say but I'm pretty sure I mumbled up all the words and sounded a little like Yoda.

"The force is strong with this one," I say to myself and giggle.

Wow, I was drunk.

Maddie pulled to the side at the front of my place.

"Do you want help getting inside?" she asks.

"I'm- I'm good, thank you- should be fine," I rambled, and she looked at me with worry in her eyes.

"Okay," she rubbed her forehead and laughed softly.

I got out of her tiny car and began walking to the front, walking up the porch steps slowly and using the railing for balance and again these boots that Maddie gave me really didn't help when I was drunk. I got to the front door and pressed my back against it, leaning against the door for support and waving at Maddie to leave already and watched as she drove away.

I was digging around my bag for my keys but couldn't seem to not find them, deciding to throw my hand behind me and knock on the damn door until someone comes and gets it. It wasn't a second later after I knocked that the door opens, and I stumble through, falling down on my ass.

"Ow," I groan and begin to laugh.

"Jesus Christ, are you okay?" Zac asks and his head hovers over my face as I laugh uncontrollably.

"Mm yes," I mumble and watch his face turn from worry to a wide smile.

"And you're drunk," he states, his smile captivating my thoughts. That damn smile could put the moon to shame with how bright and beautiful it was. He was so beautiful.

"Mm yes," I mumble again and chuckle more.

"Do you need a hand getting up?" he asks, and I smack his outreached hand away.

"Nope, I'm okay," I say and try to get up. I roll onto my stomach first and try and put myself up, no doubt looking like a child trying to get up, and what feels like eons of trying to get up, I finally do.

"Ta daah!" I cheer with a hand in the air and giggle.

"You are very drunk," he states the obvious, he closes the door behind me, and I see he is biting his bottom lip trying to supress a smile.

I stare at his lips, feeling a wave of goosebumps travel all over my skin, making the hair on my body stand at attention. I miss his lips on my body and I feel a slight tug in the centre of my stomach.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I need to get a grip.

"Thanks for- for stating the ob-obvious, captain obvious," I mutter and giggle more.

It dark in the house apart from the glow of the TV that was on.

"Were you watching TV?" I ask.

"Yes," he says, looking away from me.

"Why, it's late?"

"You need sleep," he says, avoiding my question.

I want to tell him that since he hasn't been sleeping next to me, sleep was basically impossible for me now and I wanted to tell him thanks for that. Asshole.

I giggle at my thoughts.

"What?" he asks in response.

"You're funny," is all I allow myself to say.

"You should go to bed, Ali, you're very drunk."

"Don't tell me what to do," I say getting defensive. "I was going anyway," I continue, and I try to walk but almost trip in my heels and he catches me.

"Very drunk," he mutters under his breath and again he bites his lower lip to stop him from smiling.

Just smile, you idiot. I like your smile.

"You like my smile?" he questions, his eyebrow furrowing.

Did I just say that out loud? Fuck.

"Maybe," I say burying myself in deeper.

He keeps his hands wrapped around me and the feeling of his body on mine makes my heart race. It feels like two puzzle pieces that were meant to fit together.

"Let's get you to bed," he says and my mind races with a million thoughts.

He's taking me to bed. Will he stay with me when we reach my bed? Oh, I hope so.

He takes me to my room, pausing at the door to open it and I let my feet take me to where he was leading me. I lean against him further, only to have his body pressed against me more.

I hear the door close naturally behind us and he sits me on my bed and I lay down so my head hits the pillow, complaining internally from the loss of contact of his body against mine.

"Go to sleep Ali," he says and tries to walk away.

"Wait!" I practically shout. "Help me get out of these," I slur, and I extend my foot outwards to him, gesturing to the boots.

He looks down at me and then his eyes wander all around the room, until I finally realise why. My legs were spread wide apart with one of my feet hanging off the edge to him, and he could see perfectly up my dress.

I close my legs respectfully for a moment and then change my mind, opening my legs apart wider to give him a good show.

"Please help me," I say, with what I think is a sexy voice.

I hear his breathing sharpen and become heavy and that only feeds my libido.

"You want me to take your boots off?" he asks, his voice sounding nervous, assuring himself that it is what I want and nothing else.

"Yes, please," I say.

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