Chapter 19.

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"Oh, I forgot," I say in a vain attempt to get out and get away.
"Forgot what?" Emmett asks.

Definitely not forgetting that I had a girlfriend, I thought.

"Forgot to grab that thing, I said." I look at Emmett with wide all-telling eyes. Begging him to let me go.

"What thing?" Zac challenges.

"A thing for work," I say, darting my eyes quickly to Zac and away.
"Oh yes," Emmett says and hands me the keys. I grab them, almost ripping them out of his hands


I walked out of the house, not even giving it a second thought. My chin began to wobble, and I clenched my teeth, feeling my jaw muscle press against my skin.

I heard the door shut behind me and then open again when I reached the bottom of the front steps.

"Alison, wait!" Zac shouted from behind me, but I kept walking to Emmett's ute. I walked a little faster, cursing whoever built this house so the parking space was down the side of the house. He tried to grab my arm, but I pulled it out of his hand the moment his hand touched me.

"Don't." I look at him, the tears finally spilling from my eyes.

I couldn't fucking do this. My heart felt like it was going to be ripped out of my chest. It was the same feeling that I felt every time he looked at me. That feeling of dread that I always felt when I was happy with him. I knew one day it was going to wash over me completely taking and submerging me in this feeling, but I wasn't expecting it to come so soon.

"Don't you dare," I say through my teeth and turn my back from him. I kept telling myself that I shouldn't turn around. I refused to turn around.

I got into Emmett's ute, not giving myself a second thought when I put the keys into the ignition and speeding out of the parking lot.

From the corner of my eye I could see his hands in his hair, standing where I had left him when I ripped my hand out of his.

After driving for what felt like hours, I couldn't take it anymore and I pulled over on the side of the road and let myself cry. I cried until my head hurt, I couldn't breathe, and my nose was swollen. I let the driver's seat fall back until I was lying down. I cried and cried, the whole time clutching my chest to try and stop this terrible feeling was swallowing me whole.

Sometime during crying I had drifted to sleep. I had literally cried myself to sleep. It was dark now and my phone read that it was a little past seven.

There was missed calls on my phone a couple from Emmett, a couple from Burney and a couple from Zac. I also had a couple messages too. All from Zac except one from Emmett asking if I was okay. I scrolled through all the ones from Zac before I could even think.

I'm sorry. Please come back.

Where are you?

I'm so sorry.

Please call me.

You're worrying me. Please let me know you're okay.

Are you okay?

Ali, please call me.

I'm so sorry.

I deleted them all and sent a message to Emmett telling him that I was okay. I then called Maddie and she picked up after the second ring.

"Hey bitch! What are you up to?"

"Nothing much," I say. "You?"

There was a pause before she answered. I think she could hear the tone in my voice.

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