"I suppose, I'll hold you to that. What are your days and hours that you can work?" I couldn't help my eyes from popping out of my head and the wide grin that spread across my face. He was serious. He was about to hire me for this position. I kept my eagerness to a minimum and tried to act coy as I answered his question.

"Any day." I kept quiet about the fact that I had a second job and needed to be out by five.

"Can you start tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes, I can," I smiled. I resisted the urge to hug him.

"Good. You'll work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. You'll basically be serving the customers and putting away the books. Zari can give you a full tour of the place. Sound good?"

"Sounds amazing," I said, unable to control my large smile.

"Good, you'll start at eight tomorrow. Zari's downstairs and she'll give you a tour of the place."

"Thank you so much," I shook Owens hand and began walking down the stairs to Zari to get my tour of the place, practically leaping down each step, filled with glee.

I left Last Words and as I stepped outside my phone pinged. It was a message from James. My heart sunk and it felt as if the blood had drained from my face. Fuck. I am a shitty person. Here is this perfectly nice guy who wants to know me. This perfectly nice guy who kissed me the other night and here I am a day later kissing someone else.

I remembered Zac's lips on me. How his hands were gripping my hips and the sound of his harsh breath. How I could feel him growing against me and how he moaned when he grinded his hips against me. I shiver ran over me, leaving goose bumps all over my skin. I needed to stop thinking about Zac like that. All it was is a kiss. Everyone kisses. But like that? I wasn't sure. I needed to focus on James right now, not Zac, so I opened his message.

Hey, how are you?

I'm good, you?

Yeah good. Will I be seeing you tonight at the Bar?

Yes :)


C U then x

I felt sick. I felt like I was cheating. Never have I ever had someone like James be interested in someone like me. Sure, I attracted some attention from men in high school from my slightly above average looks and my natural ability to flirt and lead men on, but none of them I ever considered actually dating... or just having a casual fling with. I've hooked up with a couple men when I was drunk at parties but other than that, one of us would always stop before we could go any further.

It's not cheating. I knew I was trying to reassure myself now but it's true. I'm not dating either of the boys I kissed, so technically it wasn't cheating...

So, why did I still feel so bad?

By the time I got back home, Burney was there with multiple shopping bags spread out on the kitchen table. Majority of them looked as if they were filled with decorating items.

"Buy anything for me," I joked and went over to Burney to look into one of the bags.

"I bought everything for me," He smiled at me.

"How old are you?" I searched his face, surely he wasn't much older than us. His hair was slightly balding, but other than that he looked young. "If you don't mind me asking," I added and waited with a smile.

"I'm turning twenty-five."

I was shocked. I knew he was eldest in the house, but he didn't seem like he was that much older.

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