"Thank you for picking-." I began to say but was alarmed by the close proximity Zac had become towards me.

He stood no more than an arm's length away from me. I watched as his eyes wandered across my face, down my neck, to my chest and back up again. I was sure he could see the blush rising from my chest to my face.

With one of his hands, he reaches out towards my face and brushes a stray hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. I gasp softly. He lets the tips of his fingers wander down my jawline, his thumb trailing my cheekbone, until his fingers stopped below my chin with his thumb lightly caressing the corner of my mouth.

"Better than cute," he whispers, and his eyebrows furry in the middle of his face before he steps away and walks down the corridor to his room.

I was too afraid to look toward him, so I kept my head facing forewords, feeling confused. What the hell was that?

I took a shower numbingly. My mind focused on the tingly sensation I could feel in my lip from when he softly touched me there. The burning sensation in my cheek from his hand trailing down, and his words... 'Better than cute'played in my mind like a broken record.

How could a person sleep after such an intimate moment?

I got into bed but stayed awake majority of the night. His words echoing inside my head.

Better than cute.

Better than cute.

Better than cute.

I spent the better half of Sunday morning in bed, the lack of sleep from the night was already beginning to haunt me. I was scared to go outside but knew that I was going to have to at one point or another. When I did arise and leave the safety of my room, the three boys were around the kitchen table eating breakfast.

My eyes quickly drifted over to Zac, but then retreated just as quickly.

The boys clapped and cheered as I came out of my room.

"Did you place bets again?" I asked to no one in particular.

"No," Emmett laughed.

"We're just cheering because you actually put pants on today," Zac laughed which made the others laugh. My nervousness and confusion stopped me from laughing, but after they continued laughing, my smile broke through and I shook my head.

After grabbing coffee and a bowl of cereal, I joined my roommates at the table. I almost felt robotic or zombielike after last night's events.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I asked, putting my feet up on my seat and bring my bowl close to my face.

"Today is our rest day," Burney said with a newspaper in front of him.

"Sorry I couldn't pick you up last night," Emmett said to me.

"It's fine, I know you must have been so exhausted."

Emmett looked at Zac then. "I told you not to tell her that."

"I had to," Zac shrugged.

"It's fine," I interjected. "I understand."

"Look, Ali, I have training earlier in the morning now, because we're going into pre-training, and it's getting very exhausted staying awake to come and pick you up every night this week," Emmett continued. His eyebrows were pulled together in concern.

"It's fine, Emmett, seriously. I do need to find a car though."

"I can drive you some nights," Zac said.

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