"When do you start work up here?" He asked.

"On Tuesday. I'm excited," I said with genuine excitement.

When Emmett asked if I wanted to live with them, I said yes immediately, but I needed a plan. The first thing I did was look for jobs available and thankfully found a job I loved quite quickly. I would be working as a bartender at a bar called the Bar. The only thing I was missing out on was my own car.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

"When am I not?" I joked, nervously picking at my dark maroon nails, but I could sense his unease.

"I'm fine, really." I looked towards him; his eyes glued to the road.

"Okay," he said with certainty. "You just worry me sometimes."

"I worry you all the time," I laughed and watched as his firm mouth tipped slightly at the edges.

I let my hand hang out of the window, making waved in the wind with my hand and dozed off hallway through the trip.

"Wake up!" Emmett shoved my arm hard, forcing me into the door.

"Ow, you bastard!" I shoved him back.

"Don't. Hit. The. Driver!" He said in between each hit. He laughed, fending me off with one arm.

"Why'd you wake me?" I was annoyed. My heart was racing from being abruptly awoken from my nap.

"We're almost there."

"How long was I out?"

"Almost a decade! You've left me kind of lonesome in here," he stated with his lips puckered which made me laugh.

"I'm sure you managed."


He rounded a corner and began slowing the car down, my eyes dragging around the scenery. The house was in the heart of the area, everything that one could need was a couple blocks away.

"There!" Emmett pointed at the house.

It had a four-step brown porch rising to the house and running across the front. The brown brick of the one-story house looked strange against the white outline on the windows, but nevertheless it was beautiful.

Emmett pulled up into a small parking lot next to the house and parked next to two unfamiliar cars in the parking lot, which reminded me that I needed to find a car soon.

Emmett had already unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped down from the car, heading towards the back to retrieve my belongings. His smile was broad which made me smile in return. I could feel an excitement radiating off of him as I grabbed the two closes boxes towards me.

"Come on, it's going to be fun with you around." He nudged my shoulder softly, careful not the knock over his tower of boxes.

I followed him up the steps and had to put the boxes down to open the door, but other than that we made it inside with ease.

"You know you could have just kicked the door down," I laughed making him laugh too.

Emmett put the boxes down on the floor and I followed pursuit.

"Hey, Zac!" Emmett practically shouted. I looked at Emmett to see who he was looking at only to follow his eyes to a person in front of us.

He was attractive. Very attractive. His face was angular with those type of features that were meant for magazines or posters. With high cheekbones and a layer of dark stubble, he looked like he was in his early twenties. His skin was tanned, and his brown hair fell down in soft waves on his forehead. It looked soft to touch.

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