chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - What's This, the Consequences of My Actions?

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Chapter 7 - What's This, the Consequences of My Actions?

Saturday: Morning


The sun shone brightly and pierced through my eyelids.  My head pounded and I could barely remember anything. 'Why am I outside...?' I thought. My back hurt like and hell and I looked around only to find Russia next to me. 'What's he doing out here?' Then, my memory returned.

I immediately scrambled aside a bit and shoved my glasses on. I looked over and checked. Phew... he's back to normal.

I shook him trying to wake him. "Wake up you commie," I teased.

"Shut up, I have a hangover you know." He playfully elbowed me, yet it still pushed me fairly hard, giving me a small taste of his strength. (please don't take this sexual pplspspsps I don't know how to word this ok just that Russia is strong <\3 - author) He mumbled quietly, "Sorry." "Don't worry about it."

My teeth chattered as I spoke. I shivered and tried to warm my hands with my breath. He threw his jacket at me. "Here," he huffed. I slid it on to find it oddly warm and comfortable. "Haha that's pretty gay." I joked.

"Oh fuck you."

"Fine, fine. But- uh, genuinely, thank you."

I looked down, unsure what to say. My eyes drifted towards his hand, and I suddenly realized my hand had been on top of his. I yelped and shoved my hand back, and he quickly realized and did the same.

"That did not mean anything, yes?"

"Yup." I'm gay, but I definitely can't like him, right?

We awkwardly sat there blushing in silence for a couple of minutes before I decided to head inside. I shoved my hands in my pockets and went to grab my phone, then realized I was still wearing Russia's jacket. I checked the rest of my pockets to find it in my back pocket.

Clicking it on, I hoped that it hadn't gotten damaged. Seeing my phone intact I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly sent a message to my mom. "Hey mom, sorry about staying out last night I'll be home by 10 am."

10 AM... that gives me two hours, alright. I shoved my phone in my pocket and went to check on Russia.

"How ya holdin' up?" I asked while crouching near him.

Russia shrugged and sighed. "I'm doing as well as you can while hungover. Could you help me up?" I nodded and hauled him up.

"Thanks." "You're welcome!" 

He was shockingly heavy, if I were to estimate body type he'd be a buff jock, while I'm more of skinny jock type. Not saying I'm weaker, just that he definitely had way more muscle mass.

We discussed what to do and in the end that he'd walk home on his own, and I'd drive home. I tried to convince him to let me drive him but the stubborn bastard wouldn't budge. It was a short car trip, only about 5 minutes, but it was still better than trekking through the fresh mud. I tried to clean myself up to make it look as though I hadn't slept outside like an idiot, and quietly entered.

I looked around to find France in the kitchen with Britain, and Canada eating some pancakes. By the loud noises upstairs, I could guess that Kiwi and Aussie were wrestling. Canada was around my age, just a bit younger (16-17), and both Kiwi and Aussie were around 15-16.

"Hey mom!"

"Welcome home! You didn't do anything silly out there right?" She looked at me kindly but I could tell there was some genuine concern

 "Oh it was fine, I just stayed over a friend's house don't worry," I lied. "Hm, alright." She smiled and set a plate of pancakes at my seat. Canada stood up and made his way towards me. "Can I borrow Ame for a bit mom?" "Sure sweetie."

He dragged me over to the living room and made sure mom and dad couldn't hear us from there.

"What were you thinking? You didn't text any of us!" He grabbed my shoulders and somewhat shook me.

"L-look, I didn't know the police were gonna come okay?" I loudly whispered. "Yeah but still! You can't up and disappear like that! No one knew where you had gone!"

I sighed and put a hand on his arm. "It's fine, you know I can take care of my self lil bro. What happened with you anyways afterwards?" He rolled his eyes. "I left pretty early you know. Despite being your 'lil bro' it appears that I have greater knowledge and foresaw that bad events were about to occur." He stated sarcastically and dramatically.

"Oh shut up, you're just not a party person anyways." He gasped. "Oh how dare you!" He dramatically flopped down on the couch. "I think he's trying to imitate you Ame!" Kiwi butted in. "Wh- when did you get down here! Also I don't act like that at all!" Aussie stumbled down the stairs saying, "Yeah sure, you're definitely not a complete drama queen." "Why are you guys ganging up on me?" I shouted. "Ugh, I'm gonna go eat, I'm fucking starving." "Language!" France yelled. "Sorry mom."

I sheepishly smiled and quickly ate my breakfast. "Haha Ame 's in trouble!"

I immediately stood up from my seat. "Oh I'll get you Kiwi!" I yelled and immediately started to chase after him. I spent the rest of the weekend at home, chasing my siblings and play-fighting.

Author's Note

I havent posted in a week n half,, gh has I'm so sorry I'm dying rn

Hsduh im so tired and my brain hurts so its been hard 2 write recently and school,, n bullshit

I'm gonna ngo take e a nap or something idk

something just chill n wholesome tho for today, kinda my current mood and also just for those who want a chill chapter (and maybe to make up for the fact that I will blow this ship to ashes for plot some time later BUT WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT!!!!!(it'll get fixed anyways))

woops accidentally forgot to fix the divider 

december 23,,, 2020 :)

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