chapter 5.5

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.5 - High Schoolers Really Don't Know How to Throw Parties

Friday: Evening - Night


As I made my way over to the drinks, someone ran into me, wrapping their arms around my body.

"Heeeey Ameri!" Mexico smiled brightly at me.

"H-hi Mexico..." I could barely breathe.

Argentina pulled Mexico off of my by dragged her ear, making sure to scold her before facing me again. "Sorry about that America." He gave me an apologetic smile then dragged her away into the crowd.

Soon SK's iconic mixes started up and the previous music faded away, giving my ears a brief moment of relief. As I squeezed through the crowds I caught glimpses of people I recognized. Sometimes it was someone's hat, sometimes it was Japan's ears, sometimes it was their clothing. The crowd would always push me away though, unable to make my way back, being dazed by the flashing lights and the alcohol kicking in. Sometimes there were moments of clarity though.

As soon as someone started playing their saxophone along with SK, everyone quieted down to listen along.

It was almost surreal, just to hear some guy on the sax have a wild time playing along with SK. Someone happened to shout something vaguely like "oh shit," before another sax miraculously emerged out of the crowd, almost as if to challenge whoever else was playing. I wanted to see who was playing, however I could hardly stand and instead listened from the sidelines. Though as they played, I could see multiple people ring out their phones to record this legendary moment. By the time someone started to even sing, it felt like a fever dream. Though SK kept his emotions on the low most of the time, I could see the determination and sheer joy on his face as everyone came together.

Soon the magical moment ended. It was a shame to see it over, and I wished it could've gone on forever, but I wanted to explore more of the place anyways.

I slowly made my way downstairs, checking out the family mementos scattered around the house.


I immediately ducked my head down to see what was happened, only to find Sweden running full force at the pool table, as people crowded around the table and watched. As he landed onto it, the table split in half and he crashed onto the floor.


Ireland broke out laughing and almost spilled his beer, Norway on the other hand rushing to help Sweden up in a panic. I couldn't help but have a cocky grind on my face. I quickly made my way over to Ireland and threw my arm around him.

"So you guys have been having fun without me?"

He barked out in laughter and patted me on the back. "It's been wonderful lad! I'm just waitin' for someone to recreate the 1916 risin' now." We both looked over to see the sorry state of Sweden as Norway tried to pick him up.

"Just a moment!"

"It's alright, I'm gonna go look around!" I watched he went over to help Norway and Sweden, then walked away to another part of the house.

Soon I found the Slavs, or what I sometimes called (only in my head, I would be obliterated if I actually said this) the Eastern Bloc. The 'Eastern Bloc' being all of the Slavic (or closely related) countries. It was hard to tell, but by this point I was close to passing out.

I wandered around, vaguely catching snippets of conversations, some in languages I couldn't even understand. The vaguest mention of 'police' passed my way, and in a moment of genius I yelled, "Fuck the police!"

There was a moment of silence before everyone began chanting with me. 'Everyone' being a bunch of wasted teenagers. The excitement could only last for so long, as soon we all come to realize why 'police' had been mentioned. The reason being, the police were there. This 'everyone' now stood still, completely baffled and too drunk to know what to do.


A shout was heard followed by the sound of smashed glass. Someone grabbed my hand and dragged me through the crowd as everyone began to run multiple directions. It would've been fun, if not for the fact I wanted to puke.

We made our way to the laundry room, the person who had been dragging me, Russia, jumping through the window from there. I climbed onto the washer and jumped through as well, following him through the yard as we ran to my car. Somehow my fingers were still nimble enough to turn on the car and unlock the door, allowing us to speed away (for the most part, my need to puke still being in effect).

As we sped away, I watched as various other cars travel along the same road, many being recognizable. I saw Japan's mini van decked out with different character prints, then a white sedan which I guessed was Indonesia's by the bowl of noodles sticker on the back window. I almost choked seeing China's Lamborghini speed by, a sleek black base with gold and red highlights. In comparison, my car was a basic red hatchback. The only advantage it had was that it could handle the terrain well, the rain already starting to pour making the roads muddy. I had no real sense of time, but it was clearly past midnight, not a good sign. I'll have to stay out here tonight, I can't come home at 3 A.M.

"Where the hell are you going?"

Russia sounded a bit strange, yet still familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. I put that thought aside though, and focused on being actually present instead.

"Just somewhere near my house, give me a minute." I let out a sigh. "I can hardly see in the rain, not to mention the fact that my eyes aren't fucking working."

I only mumbled that last part. Eventually we reached the cabin, a welcome sign compared to all the chaos. However, it left me with one though.

Guess we're staying here tonight.

Author's Note


yeah i somehow doubled it so here u go, chapter 5 but part 2 (but it's a full chapter)

i tried to make it shorter chunks so it's easier to read but whoops look at me go writing like a bagillion sentences for one paragraph :person_shrugging: (windows is sexist af and doesnt have gender neutral emojis real)

edit: windows is still sexist real

anyways gonna come back to this real quick (maybe), but i gotta go back to chapter 5 to at least have this make some semblance of sense

jun 23 2021

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