chapter 9

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❝ we can choose

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we can choose. and we can change.

Chapter 9 - A Coffee Date (but They're Not Gay Guys)

Saturday: Morning - Midday


     I changed out my adidas jacket for a long dark coat with fur trim, and got ready to head outside. My phone buzzed and the screen lit up to show that America had liked my post. Quietly I chuckled and smiled, then went over to like his post. Shoving my phone in my pocket I headed outside.

     To be honest, I hated staying home. Sometimes it felt as though everyone avoided me, or were always worried about me. I'm aware they care, but sometimes it's overbearing and they don't seem to talk to me for any other reason. Just another reason for them to cry. Then, I felt two people walk up behind me. "Hey! What you doin' in our neighborhood?" I sighed and tried to embrace the deepest Russian accent I could. "...What, you think this bad neighborhood?" I turned around. Their faces flashed with fear and they sped off. I ran my hand through my hair and stared out at the sun. What were they thinking, trying to mug someone in broad daylight...

      Mapping the streets out in my mind I traced the path to the coffee shop. It was a shitty Starbucks, but better than drinking coffee at home in dead silence. With a small heave I pushed the door open to be hit with the familiar smell of roasted beans. There was the sweet smell of deserts and fruity drinks, and the warm scent of baked goods. (This world's Starbucks is oddly good for no reason - author) Making my way to the counter I saw the long line ahead of me. Of course, it's a Saturday what was I thinking. I grumbled and took my place in line, hoping time would pass sooner.


      I wandered my way across the streets and into the coffee shop, the noise of people talking drowned out by my music. It was a good song, The Baddest. It was a kpop song from a fictional band called K/DA, made for a game called League of Legends, though most people called it LoL. It was a good group, and a good game, almost a hype song of sorts. Making my way into line I stared at the person ahead of me. Is... is that Russia? What's he doing here? Based on his height and fashion sense I was sure it was him though. Tapping his shoulder I game him a small wave. Once he turned around his face showed a hint of surprise but went back to its neutral look. Oddly enough he was still wearing his sunglasses. "Oh- hi Ame. You're looking particularly gay."

I barely held back a bark of laughter. "I'm- why's that the first thing you think of? I should be asking you why you're wearing those silly shades." He grunted. "Ha, it's part of the look, no? And your whole look gives off that you're gay." "Puh-lease, I may be gay, but you're acting like you have a chance with me. I'm not that gay anyways." "I've heard you say multiple times that you'd fuck Ryan Reynolds if you had the chance." I rolled my eyes. "Anyone would fuck him given said chance." He sighed. "Fair point."

I pointed around his should to let him know that it was his turn to order and he quickly did such. "A dark roast and peach tea." "Peach tea?" I asked. He sighed. "I drink more than just vodka, you know. We drink tea and other things too." "Huh, weird." "You're saying that while being the son of the most iconic tea addict." I chuckled. "Fair, fair."

      We took a seat near the window and got chatting. "So what are you doing at Starbucks?" I asked. He leaned his elbow on the table and put his head in his hand. "Us Slavs still need a hot drink or two, and anyways the house is fucking dead silent. I can't stand that shit." "Honestly, completely agree. Feels so awkward to drink at home in pure silence. Especially when it's like late night or somethin' you look fucking insane then." He barked out a laugh. "Please, don't remind me. I'm glad bars are a thing or else all us alcoholics would be losers as well. People already think I'm scary I don't need them to pity me." "I dunno, pity is nice every once in a while ya know?" He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure."

      The rest of the whirled by, after staying at Starbucks we headed to an arcade I knew of. It was hard to play DDR in overalls (essentially equal to jeans) but I still kicked his ass. He definitely beat me in any block based/themed game, though should've expected that from his Tetris background. He's honestly fucking terrifying when playing Tetris, in the end a crowd ended up forming around us because he had been goin for so long. I had to convince him to stop playing and make him cash in the tickets he won, which he used for a bear plush he named Kakadu, which he then also promptly gave to me. "Are you sure? It's your tickets and everything..." "Idiot—it's fine, we can have matching ones now anyways since I have one I named Artyom at home." He ruffled my hair. "You mess with my hair a lot you know." "I do? Shit, of course, probably picked it up from my father. He used to do that to us all the time."

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late night post :tm:

yeah it's like midnight for me rn goodbye I'm tired

but yeah gay af I'll describe Russia's voice later bc I forgot to here :P

December 30, 2020

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