"Your father would be happy and your club would've great reputation if an innocent girl would be abused in here" Shawn snapped at him and then looked at Camila who was pulling her tanktop lower with her hands.

"What's this" He took her hands in his, seeing red and blue marks on her wrist.

"I don't have time for your bullshit" The man said.

"Did he touch you?" Shawn asked with his blood boiling in his veins. Camila looked in his dark eyes full of rage but couldn't say anything.

"Shawn please calm down, he did but we came in time to rescue her" Connor tried to cool him down but his efforts went all in vain.

"She's mine for tonight, put your hands off from her" The tall man tried to push Shawn away from Camila but before he placed a hand on his shoulder Shawn's punch landed on his face.

"You son of a bitch, how dared you touch her" Shawn spat and in the mean time his other bastards came to payback. The scene turned into full fight with Connor, Brian and Shawn fighting with the other man and his bastards. Some men were pushing them away trying to calm down the situation and some were making videos. The sound of knuckles, cursing and kicks was everywhere.
Camila was standing beside Emily in complete shock. It was the worst day of her life, first she forgot to bring cash with her, then saw Shawn with Hailey in club, then came to know her friend was his hook up in the past, then bumping into that man and now she was standing there looking at a fight which was started due to her. Her head was spinning and legs were trembling. She started feeling weak and was about to fall when Emily got hold of her helping her to stand properly. Suddenly something caught her eyes, the broken bottle of beer on the floor. She freed herself from Emily's hold, picked a piece of sharp glass in her hand and moved towards the mob of humans who were fighting like animals. The guards which were called by Jamie to save the situation just came to pull them away.

"If you guys won't stop, I would cut my wrist right here" She shouted on top of her lungs, with all the force she had. The crowd went quite and their attention was diverted from fighting group to the girl standing between them with a sharp glass rested on her wrist, blood seeping from her hands.

"Camila drop it right there" Shawn screamed from the underneath of the big bearded man who stopped from showering him with punches on his  face for a while. Camila looked at Shawn, his lip was bleeding and there were red marks all over his face.

"I don't care, go fuck yourself" The big man hovering Shawn shouted at Camila.

"And If I died today..this man would be the reason, He would be my murderer, I want him in jail..He has harassed me and you all have seen with your own eyes" She declared pointing towards the man over Shawn who looked around all the cameras recording his actions and frozed in his position. Shawn pushed him away, leaving him on floor and ran towards Camila.

"Camila!!" He stretched his arm to grab her's but she moved away from him.

"No one will came near me or I'll do it right here" She said fiercely.

"Ok Ok..we are not coming near you but drop this right now" Shawn ordered throwing his hands in air. The fight was already stopped and Connor and Brian were adjusting their clothes and hair.

"I will only do it if these bastards would run from here or cops will be here in few minutes" She declared again.

"Who the fuck called the cops" Jamie asked in panic.

"I..I called them when you were fighting" Emily stepped forward.

"Bitch!!" The same bearded man spat.
"Let's go... We'll see these assholes later" He said addressing to his companions and they moved outside the club. Camila moved the glass piece away from her wrist, leaving a slightly patch of blood on her skin and her palms were already bleeding because of holding the sharp material.

"What the fuck you were trying to do Camila" Shawn said grabbing her hands.

"You need an aid, we are going to the hospital" He said observing her wounds.

"Sure we do and when someone will ask about your wounded face Mr. Mendes what will you say..that you had a fight in the club" She responded.

"Why the cops didn't arrive yet" Brian asked teasing Jamie who was grabbing his head trying to think.

"Coz I didn't call them" Emily replied.

"Wha-" Jamie said with his mouth open.

"I lied just to scare those motherfuckers" She shrugged.

"I like you" Brian said smirking at Emily. The club was nearly empty as people were leaving after drama was over and when they heard about the possible invasion of cops.

"We are going to my place then" Shawn told Camila, grabbing her hand in his hand moving towards exit.

"You've alot more courage than I thought" Shawn commented at Camila on their way outside.


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