chapter 04.

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of my lungs as that woman appeared before me again. What is she doing, is she going to condemn me? Is she going to mock me? No matter much I tried punching the mirror, it won't break and she just kept on laughing. That horrible, deafening shriek that makes my head throb and swallows the noise of my cries.

I hate it.

Someone make it stop.

"Akaashi's mine!" I screamed. No, I tried to make myself believe my own words.

He is mine. He is mine?

The reflection laughed. She probably saw through my uneasiness, through my insecurities. Yet, I badly wanted to slap that smug look on her face. I badly wanted to stop her and prove her wrong. She's starting to get on my nerves! I wanted to...but I can't.

"Stay away from things that aren't yours!"

I tried to threaten, no, to warn her. Why won't she just go away? Why can't she let me be happy with Keiji? Why can't—

"But was he yours if he wanted me so bad?!"

It made me stop.


My mouth was left agape. I never saw it coming but deep, deep down inside me, I knew she was right. Her words hit me to wake me up.

I know it too, of course, but I'm just too scared to admit it.

Please, pacify her.

I jolted up from my bed with that throbbing pain on my head as if I was hit by a truck. That dream was freaking scary! As far as I can remember, shatters of glasses were all around me but the mirror I was holding wasn't broken and the reflection there wasn't me. I mean, what the hell was that?

𝐌𝐑𝐒. 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 * ˚ ✦ 𝑲. 𝑨𝑲𝑨𝑨𝑺𝑯𝑰Where stories live. Discover now