Chapter 12

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(Mention of violence and blood! Please, if you are uncomfortable with things like that, skip this chapter, or read if you want.)

Frisk pov

It was difficult to keep going, it hurt a little in there, but I knew I couldn't stay there much longer.

I also had the impression that I would need to learn to use my soul weapon soon enough, walking underground alone in such a state was the most dangerous thing.

"Frisk, do you remember the paths around here?" Flowey asked, in my backpack.

"Kinda, and we will have to find a place to rest, but let's continue as long as we can."

I continued walking through the forest, a few hours passed, when my feet started to hurt.  From a distance, I could see a little of Waterfall, in the front, the environment became more humid and the place was getting darker, but it was still far away.

"Do you think we can get there in 1 day?" Flowey asked.

"I'm tired ..." I sat in the snow, laying my back against a tree, and putting my backpack aside.  I went to take off my hood, but Flowey stopped me.

"Don't do that!  We can't let them see you!"

I made a dismayed face, it was hot there, as much as it was a frozen forest.

"Do you think we've left the Snowdin Town?" I looked up at the top of the cave.

"I think so, it's been a long time since we've been walking."

"I have, in this case, right."

"What I mean is, we have less than 2 days to reach Waterfall, but do you want to stay here for a while, to rest?"

I nodded, what should have been, about 11 hours?  Amazingly, I hadn't noticed how tired I really was until I sat in the snow.  My back hurt, but I wasn't hungry.  I stayed there for half an hour, more or less, I could rest for a while.

Until then, I was normal, until I felt a strange feeling, a chill down my spine, I felt I was being watched.


"Yeah?" he turned to me.

"Are you feeling this?  Like we're being chased?"

"Now that you mentioned, yes.  I just thought it was madness."

"Do you think we better continue?"

He nodded and I got up.  I shook the snow and kept walking.  That feeling haunted me.

That was when, at a certain moment, I felt something coming from behind my back, in a quick movement to the left, and in reflex, I deflected.  I heard something heavy fall in the snow.  An iron spear.

My expression was terrified.  The spear was stained with blood and rusted.

"Hold on tight, Flowey."

I held the backpack tight, and ran out, as fast as I could.  I felt the presence getting closer and faster, my legs got tired.

I decided to turn around, to see if I was still being followed, there was nothing.  Which was a mistake.

I turned around again and was grabbed by the neck.  My backpack with Flowey fell to the floor.

"I found you." the voice was cold, and cruel.  He was a royal guard.  His armor and helmet healed with blood and scratches.

I struggled to let go, and it sniffled me.  It was a guard dog.

"You're the human I was looking for." he took off my hood, roughly.

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