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Favorite Color?

 I wear a lot of yellow and black because of Bumblebee, but in all honesty, maroon is my favorite color. I also like red and light blue.

Biggest fear?  

I hate heights. Always have. I realized my fear when Dad, John, Sam and I were on a hunt. It took us up into a hilly forest. We had to walk on a game trail that was not even an inch away from a 40 foot cliff straight down. It was rainy, slippery, cold and dark. Not to mention we were surrounded by stinging nettle.

Worst injury? 

Probably when I got into a car crash with Dad, Sam, and John. I would have died if it weren't for John. Did I mention I have a notebook with tally marks for every head wound I've ever gotten? It's a loooooong list.

Favorite location? 

I've traveled a lot so it's hard to say. I guess somewhere on the coast. I like misty weather. I also just enjoy driving for hours with Bumblebee. Car rides help me clear my head.

One thing you always carry with you? 

My gun or knives. I never go anywhere without some sort of weapon on me. I always have a silver dagger in my boot, a iron throwing trapped to my ankle, and my gun in my back belt. I also always wear my obsidian necklace.

What do you notice first about a person? 

What don't I notice? I'm always observing my surroundings. Taking in everything. But, I guess, if I'm having a conversation with someone, I'll notice their eyes first. You can always tell a lot about a person just by looking at their eyes.

Drink of choice? 

Iced tea. Coffee is disgusting. Beer is also a go to if I'm feeling it.

Quality you admire most about you parent? 

I never knew my mom, so what I admire the most about my Dad is how he is always fighting. He never stops hunting because thats how we can help people. The day my dad stops fighting, is the day the world is doomed.

Any weird habits or ticks? 

I crack my knuckles a lot. Does being over paranoid count as a habit too?

Do you worry about the future? 

Not really. Being a Winchester means never knowing what is to come. You have to be ready for anything and everything. I do sometimes wonder where I'll be in a few years, but there is no guessing correctly especially with how chaotic my life is.

What matters most to you? 

Family. My family is my life. I will do anything for them and I know they will do anything for me, even with Sam being an ass majority of the time.

Any flaws or insecurities? 

Who doesn't have flaws? I have anger issues, I don't talk a lot, I keep everything bottled up. Insecurities... not so much. I mean, I don't like people seeing the scars I've gotten from hunting.

Biggest regret? 

...That's a hard one. I have a lot of regrets. Decisions I wish I could go back and change, but I know if I did, I wouldn't be who I am now. Maybe not getting to grow up knowing my mother. Is it possible to miss someone you never really knew?

Favorite TV show or movie? 

'Treasure Planet'. It's always been my favorite Disney movie. I also like The Office. Dad doesn't get it, but I think it's hilarious. Dwight is a big mood.

Favorite music artist? 

Green Day 100%. Just don't tell dad. He'll throw a hissy fit.

What would your patrons be? 

A nightjar. Apparently it means I'm intuitive.

Hogwarts house? 

Hufflepuff apparently. I really thought I'd be a Gryffindor or Slytherin.

Introvert of extrovert? 

Extrovert, but only too those I am close to.

When feeling down, what cheers you up? 

Jamming to My Chemical Romance and drinking beer (Again, don't tell Dad. He doesn't know I drink).

Is trust something that comes easily to you? 

No. Definitely not. Dad raised me to always keep my guard up. I'll never really trust anyone but my family. That being Sam, Dean, Bobby, Jo, and Ellen.


I'm bi. I realized after I made out with a girl in sophomore year. I would have started dating her, but we had to move onto our next hunts.

- author's notes -

I thought this would be fun.

It's written in Riley's perfective

Also, on my announcement board, I posted a link for a poll for my updates. Go find it and vote please!

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