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Riley steps out of the school and sees it is raining again. Out in the parking lot is Bee in his yellow Camaro form. "At least he didn't ditch me today." Riley starts walking down the steps and sees Peter staring up at the sky with disdain. She raises an eyebrow and walks over to him. "You walk home, right?" Peter looks at her and nods. "Something like that, yeah." Riley nods and starts walking to her car. "C'mon. I'll give you a ride." Peter gapes at her. "What?"

Riley turns to him with an eyebrow raised. "Either you get in my car, or walk in the rain. It's up to you." Peter blinks, then runs after her. She climbs into her car and Peter does right after her. "Your car is awesome." Peter says as he looks around the interior. Riley nods and starts the car, pulling out of the parking lot. "Uh, take a right." Riley does as instructed and presses the power button on the radio. "I don't know George. These Autobots are dangerous? How are we sure they are on our side?" Riley frowns and turns the volume up.

"Listen Henry, that yellow autobot and it's human friend saved my daughter's life. I owe them everything." Riley smiles softly and Peter glances at her. She remembers when she pulled that little girl out of a collapsing building. Bee held it up while Riley ran in. "You like the autobots?" Riley glances at Peter as she continues to drive. "Of course. They are only trying to save the planet." Riley grips the steering wheel. "Just because they don't sign those damn accords, doesn't mean they're evil."

Peter stares at Riley. She's really passionate about this, but the accords are in place for a reason. "Well, why can't they? It's not like they have secret identities. Well, the girl does, but what's there to hide?" Riley glances at Peter. "They are aliens Peter. Do you see Thor signing them any time soon?" Peter frowns. "Well no-" Riley nods. "Exactly. It's called diplomatic immunity for aliens." Riley slows Bee as they hit a bit of traffic. "And you're one to talk to anyway."

Peter looks at her alarmed. "What is that supposed to mean?" Riley gives him an odd look. "Spiderman." All the color drains from Peter's face. Did she figure it out? "Geez, calm down. I know your friends with him. I heard you telling Flash." Peter audibly sighs. "Oh, right." Riley glances at him. "Spiderman hasn't signed the accords." Peter opens his mouth to answer, but snaps it shut. She has a point. "How is the weirdo any different than the autobots?"

Peter looks offended. "Well first of all he doesn't cause damage-" Riley cuts Peter off. "Ferry boat." She points out. Peter purses his lips. "That doesn't count-" Riley cuts him off again. "Plane crash, building collapse." Peter scoffs as he sees Riley smile. "What's with you dissing Spiderman? He did save you." Riley snorts. "What's with you dissing the autobots? They did prevent the Earth from being destroyed numerous times." Traffic lightens up and Riley begins driving again. "And Spiderman didn't save me. He just kicked a guy away."

Peter stares at Riley amused. She was a very odd person. Then he realizes. "Wait, you believe me? That I know Spiderman?" Riley glances at him and nods. "Well yeah, it's not like you are lying. Not even knowing Spiderman can save your status in high school." Peter laughs and Riley smirks. "What about you? Know any heroes?" Riley bites down on her lip and Peter turns to face her fully. "You do! Who?" Riley chuckles and shakes her head. "You'd never believe me." She looks at her car stereo with a knowing smile.

Riley and Peter sit in the Parker residence living room debating on who to choose for their project. Peter was insistent on going Iron Man, but Riley backfired him with the fact that everyone will choose him. She suggested that they do Optimus Prime, but Peter told her they would need to get an actual quote from him. Riley smirks. "Well then it's a good thing that I know a guy who knows a guy who knows him." Peter gawks at her. "You know Optimus Prime?" Riley shrugs like it's the most casual thing in the world.

"I've met him once or twice." Of a hundred times. The autobots constantly show up at her warehouse begging for help. "Dude that's awesome!" Riley shrugs and looks at Peter. "So you cool with Optimus?" Peter nods, then sticks up his finger. "Does this mean I'd get to meet Optimus?" Riley nods. "I mean yeah-" Peter jumps up from his sea. "Yes!" Riley laughs lightly. "Calm down chuckles. It's not that exciting." Peter looks at her like she's insane. "Are you kidding?! He's awesome!"

Riley snorts. "Yeah, coming from the guy who was just hating on him." Peter scoffs and sits down. "It wasn't hating! Just-" He struggles to find an answer and Riley raises a questioning eyebrow. "Hardcore debating! Yeah!" Riley nods. "Uh huh." Peter rolls his eyes, then sits back down. "What are they like?" Peter asks, referring to the autobots. Riley closes her notebook and sighs. "Tall," Peter chuckles. "Inspiring, and," Riley makes a face. "Don't really know how to navigate delicate surroundings." Peter laughs and Riley nods. "Let's get started."

Riley strides into the warehouse and hears loud voices. The autobots. Bee walks ahead of Riley to join them, but she takes her time getting to them. "Forcim." Optimus greets. Riley briefly waves at him and tosses her backpack on her sad excuse of a bed. "Any luck with the search?" She asks as she takes a sip out of her water bottle. "Possibly, but we are having an issue with ground cover. We do know they haven't left the city though." Riley nods and looks at the ground. "I'll see what I can do."

She sets her water bottle down and looks up at Optimus. "By the way, me and a classmate are doing a project one you. Idol research or whatever." Riley sees the glimmer of a smile on Optimus's face. "I'm honored." Riley shrugs and lays on her bed. "I was wondering if you could meet him. We need to interview said subject." Optimus nods. "Just tell me when." Riley gives him a thumbs up. "Great." She turns over and buries her face in her pillow. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to sleep."





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