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      In the Avengers compound Clint, Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, and Vision all sit in the lounge. It's a slow day and Ross hasn't set out any particular mission for the team. Majority of the members on the team don't get to leave the base so it's just a day of boredom.

      Sam leans against the back of the couch and continually flicks Bucky's ear. The ex-assassin has to do everything in his power to stop himself from punching him with his metal arm. Natasha has a bowl of grapes and is using a spoon to catapult them into Clint's mouth. She makes it every time.

      Steve is sketching in his notebook. An image of annoyed Bucky and amused Sam blooms across the paper. He's rather proud of his work.

      Wanda and Vision silently sit together, cuddling and watching a movie. It's in Sokovian so no one but the two with mind powers can understand it. Natasha can tell it's a Romeo and Juliet spin off though.

      The silence in the room is suddenly cut off by Tony as he barges into the room, a newspaper in his hands. "I told you." Bucky finally has enough and tries to swat Sam away. The bird themed hero easily dodges the hit and chuckles as he walks away from Bucky. Everyone's attention turns to Tony as he slaps a newspaper on the coffee table.

      They all crane their necks to read the title. 'Avengers tasked with bringing in Autobot Fugitives' Under the headline is a photo of the girl who helped them the other day and the Autobot named Bumblebee.

Steve takes the newspaper to read the article. "And typical of Ross to let the press be the first to find out." Tony mutters as he crosses his arms. Clint leans forward and a grape his him in the forehead. Natasha smirks. "So when are we starting?" He asks, ignoring the continual stream of grapes hitting his forehead.

      Tony looks at Steve and the blonde shrugs. "You have any leads, Stark?" He asks setting the newspaper down which Bucky takes. The Autobots are still new territory to him. Tony gestures to the photo on the cover page. "I've got nothing on the girl. Her helmet makes it almost impossible for voice recognition and I couldn't get any prints off the gun."

      Tony taps a few things on his phone and a holo screen appears in front of everyone. It's a map of New York. One point indicates where the other day's attack was and a radius blinks around in. "I'm assuming they heard about the attack through the radio. That puts about a 10 minute time blank between the time it was announced and when they arrived."

      Tony runs a hand down his face. "Problem is the Autobots drive faster than normal cars, and there is also the possibility an aerial bot gave the yellow one and the girl a lift to the location of the attack." Tony points at the rather large radius, stretching beyond Manhattan Island. "It gives us about a 50 mile radius around the attack sight."

      Natasha raises an eyebrow. "A bit large isn't it?" Tony nods and throws his arms out. "I narrowed it down as best as I could, but-" Sam speaks up, cutting Tony off. "Can't you look over street camera footage?" Tony glares at Sam. "I don't think any of us want to go over every simple camera in that massive radius."

      He points at it in annoyance and Sam puts his hands up in defense. "Just an idea." Wanda sits up on the couch. "So what do we do?" Steve takes a deep breath and looks at the radius. "Wait until something happens I guess."

      Riley wasn't mad. Well, maybe she was just a bit, but she was expecting this. Especially after she ran into them at the attack. The Avengers were tasked with hunting down the autobots and Riley. She knows they don't have much to go off, but that will change in time. They were already under a tight rope, and it's going to have to get tighter.

       Optimus and the others might have to stay out of the city, or even draw the attention away from where they are really hiding. Riley even considered having herself and Bumblebee put on a show outside the city, but Optimus said it will only make things worse. She learned to never test his judgement a long time ago.

       But this news wasn't putting Riley in the best of moods, especially with it being the day that it is. Everyone in the school had noticed her bigger than normal sour mood, but couldn't figure out the cause. Then again, no one could really figure Riley out.

       As Riley walks into her 3rd period class the teacher stops her. "Riley! I wanted to give you this." She hands Riley a homework pass with the words 'It's your special day!' printed along the top and little balloons on the sides.

      Riley cringes at the piece of paper then hands it back to the teacher. "Thanks, but I don't really celebrate my birthday." The teacher blinks in surprise and Riley retreats to her seat in the back of the class. She opens her sketchbook and begins doodling the Avengers with ridiculous meme faces.

      "It's your birthday?" Riley looks up from her drawing and finds Peter looking back at her from his seat. She glances at the front of the class then looks back at Peter. "How'd you hear that?" The classroom is loud, and she had barely spoken above a whisper. Peter becomes flustered, tripping over his words as he stutters.

      Riley sighs and shakes her head, returning to her drawing. "Whatever, I don't care. And yeah it is, but I'm not celebrating." Peter frowns at her. "Why not?" Riley glances at him. "Dead dad remember?" Peter's mouth snaps shut and he turns around. "Sorry." He mutters. Riley shakes her head. "'T's fine."

      As Riley climbs into Bumblebee he pulls out of the school. Her phone begins ringing and Riley frowns. It's not her cellphone. It's her burner. Riley pulls it out of the bottom of her backpack and looks at the caller.

      ~Bobby Singer~

      Riley swallows hard as she stares at his name. She hasn't spoken to him since she ran away three months ago. He calls every now and then, but Riley never answers. It's too hard to speak to him. And today she has a feeling he's going to be persistent. She's turning 17. It's supposed to be a big day.

      "-You alright Hoss?-" Bumblebee says as he skims the radio. Riley sighs and presses the decline button on the phone and tosses it into her backpack. "I'm fine Bee. It's just someone I used to know." Riley leans back in her seat and watches the buildings go by.

      Suddenly she gets an idea. Riley sits up. "Bee, take me to a gas station."

      Riley and Bumblebee return to the warehouse and she steps out, walking over to her table and sitting down. With a shaky breath Riley tears open the Hostess cupcakes she got at the gas station then pulls out the packet of candles she found there too. Shoving one into a cupcake, Riley lights it and rests her chin on the table.

      Her phone rings again. It's Bobby. He's already called 10 times. Riley presses decline and turns back to the cupcake. She stares at the flame and tears well up in her eyes. "I miss you dad." Riley blinks and the tears fall down her cheeks. She hums a few notes to the tune 'happy birthday' then takes a deep breath.

       Riley thinks long on and hard on her wish, every fiber of her being wanting it to come true. Then, Riley blows out the candle. Riley watches the smoke for a moment then gets up and walks away from the table, glad it's the weekend.

      Little did she know her wish had been heard.


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