Baby 💥

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Disclaimer: i have changed Luca to Kazuko so if you see it say Luca just ignore it.

4 months later
Authors Pov:

Katsuki woke up feeling contractions but not strong, so he ignored them. As the day progressed they got more worse, it was only before dinner that he told the others

"Shoto, i have been having contractions all day" Katsuki said to him in the kitchen

"Why didn't you tell us sooner" Shoto said

"It wasnt as ba-" Katsuki leaned on Shoto as a contraction happened

"ok ok you need to sit down" Shoto led Katsuki to the sofa, and went to get Ejirou, Ejirou came back and sat next to Katsuki

"we will go to the Hospital when they get worse and close together" Katsuki nodded. Sakura soon got picked up by Fuyumi.

2 hours later

Katsuki went to bed early because he was tired from the contractions all day. Katsuki Tossed and turned all night long until Katsuki gave up, he sat up and it wasn't long before a water like substance spread on the bed, the pressure was unbearable

"Ejirou Shoto!" He shook them both awake

"huh katsuki" Shoto said

"my water broke" Katsuki said looking at the wet patch on the bed

Shoto got out if bed and put the lights on "i'll go get the bags in the car" Shoto hurried Soon Ejirou woke up

"why is the light on" Ejirou asked rubbing his eyes

"Ejirou my water broke" Katsuki said grabbing Ejirou's arm in pain

"is shoto getting the bags" Katsuki just nodded as a sharp pain went through his body.

"ok come on" Ejirou picked up the suffering Katsuki bridal style and put him in the back seat of the car and sat next to him. Shoto got in the front seat and stared to drive.

They got to the Hospital and the midwifes were already waiting their a-rival, it went really fast they were already in the room

"has his water broke yet" one of the nurses ask

"Yeah it broke a while ago" Shoto responded

"Oh baby cant wait" the midwife giggled

"lets deliver this baby" She smiles, putting on gloves

"Ok sir, i want you to get into position and on your next contraction push for ten seconds" katsuki got in position and his next contraction came soon

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10, breathe" the midwife calmly whispered

Katsuki could feel the baby move down
"Two more should do it" the midwife said Shoto was Holding Katsuki's left hand and Ejirou holding his right hand.

Katsuki Squeezed their hands and a layer of sweat plastered on his forehead. It was the final push this would be over soon Katsuki was tired out of breathe.

'just one more' Katsuki thought to him self as his last contraction struct, he pushed and pushed for 10 seconds until a loud high pitched scream echoed through the room.

The male felt relief take over him and he put his head back on the pillow and let his legs down Shoto went to cut the umbilical cord. The midwife took the baby and weighed it and made sure everything was ok, Katsuki was exhausted he was almost falling asleep until the midwife brought the baby back and laid it on Katsuki's chest.

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