Make out session 💥

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Next morning

Authors POV:

It was a Monday morning and Katsuki wasnt going to work neither was Shoto sadly Ejirou had to go to work.

It was currently 7am and Katsuki had just woke up and checked his phone he got a message 3 minuets ago from Shoto saying:

"Taking Sakura to school i will be back soon ❤️" Katsuki just smiled even though he was in pain.

Thinking about Shoto Taking Sakura to school reminded him of...never mind. Katsuki sat up and scrolled through insta and posted something from yesterday.


196,827 likes Liked by redriot_15@katsuki_bakugou👑 one of my favourite things this week end ✌🏻#20hoursofwork

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196,827 likes Liked by redriot_15
@katsuki_bakugou👑 one of my favourite things this week end ✌🏻#20hoursofwork


Katsuki laughed how Ejirou liked his post straight away "is he even working or just on his Phone" He said to him self.

Soon after that the male heard the door unlock and someone walked up the stairs and into the room

"morning sunshine" Shoto said walking over to Katsuki

"food then bandages changed" Katsuki just nodded as he was helped out of bed, Shoto's held Katsuki's hand and his other hand was around Katsuki's waist the side that wasn't hurt

"what do you want for breakfast" Shoto asked

"Uhh....what have you got" he questioned

"Bacon" Katsuki jumped at the though of bacon

"you want bacon?" katsuki nodded in reply

"Ok then" Shoto hepled Katsuki on the couch as he made food.

Soon after Katsuki got lonely waiting on the couch so he slowly got up and waddled his way to the kitchen, when he got to the kitchen after 5 minuets he wrapped his hands around Shoto's waist as the latter was about to bring the plate of bacon

"why are you up?" Shoto was concerned.

"I got lonely" Katsuki said moving his hand up Shoto's chest

"Katsuki, are you playing dirty now"

"Maybe" Katsuki said being turned around by Shoto so Shoto was behind him.

Shoto brought his lips to Katsuki neck and started the kiss his neck, Shoto moved his hand down into Katsuki's trousers, soft moans came for Katsuki as they moved into the Living room Shoto let down Katsuki onto the sofa gently remembering his injury, at this point both their shirts were off and they heard the front door open

"Shoto, Katsuki i'm here for my lu-" Ejirou stopped mid sentence

"Hey, why was i left out, i got 30 mins" Katsuki and Shoto just look up at Ejirou

"bed?" Katsuki questioned

"Yeah bed" Ejirou agreed.

They made their way upstairs and Shoto was pushed onto the bed and Katsuki got on top of him and ejirou Stayed at the side

"Katsuki Covers or no covers" Ejirou asked

"no duvet less things to wash" Katsuki points out. They continued to have a heated make out session.


30 mins later

Authors POV:

"Hey guys, i managed the get the rest of the day off" Ejirou stated

"Oh cool" Shoto said out of breath

The males started to cuddle, as after care is very important, Shoto's hand held Katsuki waist

Ejirou's hand combed though the blonde's hair.

Soon Katsuki remembered his bacon he left down stairs "Katsuki" Shoto caught Katsuki's attention and kissed him

"i-" Katsuki was left speechless.

"I will just make more bacon, besides Ei is here now" Shoto offered

The male made his way to the sofa soon Ejirou came in shirtless and sat on the Sofa with Katsuki

"You alright?" Ejirou asked

"Yeah just tired now and a bit sore" Ejirou smirked at the other

It wasn't long before Bacon was ready, they just had bacon nothing else

"Bacon is here" Shoto brought though 3 plates and placed the down and came and sat next to Katsuki. They ate and once they were done it was 1PM

"we have to pick up Sakura soon" Shoto said looking at the time

"yeah we can do that together she will be happy" Ejirou put his hand around Katsuki's waist, causing him to flinch

"why did you flinch" Ejirou asked pulling away

"You did it out of no where" Katsuki said leaning back in Ejirou's shoulder.


Authors Pov:

It has been 2 weeks and Katsuki is fit to go home the three men did make out alot over the 2 weeks which wasnt a problem but just extra information.

When Katsuki got home he arrived at 7am and he felt the sudden erge to puke, he ran to the bath room and puked all in the toilet bowl, but after he felt fine weirdly this would happen for days, weeks Katsuki started to notice he was putting on weight.

There was only one thing Katsuki could think of, he ran down stairs with his keys got in his car and drove to the shops, he made sure no one  was watching so he wouldn't get caught on TV and he grabbed a Pregnancy test from the shelf he grabbed 3 just to be sure, he quickly went to the self check out and got a back that wasn't  see through and was about to leave.

"oh Katsuki its been a while" a familiar voice sounded Katsuki spun around to be once again met with the three people he didn't want to see not that he didn't want to see Sakura just she asks questions.

"oh i didn't expect to see you guys here" Katsuki laughed awkwardly "why the fuck are there everywhere" he whispered under his breathe

"Whats Kwatsuki bwuying" the little girl asked.

"oh its some food" Katsuki fake smiled which Ejirou and Shoto knew was Fake

"ok i have to go" Katsuki smiled awkwardly and left in a hurry.

Katsuki hurried home probably the fastest he has got home in ages, he ran up his apartment stairs and went into his bathroom, he took the 3 pregnancy tests and waited, he waited for ages and ages until his 20 mins timer went off, he walked over to see...

Can I even have 2 soulmates? (Kirishima X Todoroki X Bakugou) (Mpreg) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now