Pregnant or Not? 💥

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Authors POV:

Katsuki felt faint as he was waiting for the pregnancy tests. He really didn't want them to read 'Pregnant' Katsuki called his sister not knowing what to do

"Hello Katsuki, you never call me whats up"

"I have been kind of in a relationship with someone, and i need your advice"

"Oh what kind of advice?"

"Say i have been with this person 4 months and im pregnant what do i do"

"Your pregnant!" Crying could be heard through the phone katsuki wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks

"I- I dont know what to do" he struggled to say

"Tell them, tell them now" his sister was serious

"How do you know its them" Katsuki was confused

"Oh Katsuki it was obvious"  Hina lauged remembering the interaction at the town centre a few months ago

"I dont want to tell them, what if they break up with me, or even if they force me to get rid of it" Tears were cascading down his face now

"Im sure that wont happen, they love you alot" Hina was trying to comfort the younger.

"Yeah you are right but things like this breaks couples up" Katsuki sniffed as he tried to calm dow

"They love you Kat, I'm calling them to go over" Hina just ignored what the male had said

"You have their number!" Katsuki was so confused.

"Little brother you forget i'm the number 2 hero in Australia i have connections" light giggles came from the female

"Please don't tel-" Katsuki was hung up on

"oh god oh god please no" Katsuki made his way to his sofa and sat down and looked down at the small bump appearing on his stomach, if he wore a tank top it would be obvious, currently Katsuki was in a oversized hoodie, long knee high socks and basketball shorts.

after about 20 minutes of trying to call his sister back he heard a knock, He looked through the peep hole

"go away" Katsuki stated firmly

"How many weeks are you" The red head asked

"I don't fucking know, enough for it to be noticeable" Katsuki was now crying again

"Can you please let us in so we cant talk" Shoto asked softly

"You guys probably don't want to see me and want me to get an abortion" Katsuki stood back from the door slightly

"No no we don't want you to get an abortion we want to talk to you about it like adults" Ejirou spoke up.

"Yeah, like adults, ok fine" Katsuki opened the door slowly and was met with Ejirou and Shoto's concerned faces, they followed Katsuki to the sofa.

"So Katsuki, what do you want to do? With the baby i mean" Shoto asked calmly

"You're asking me...what i want to do?" Katsuki questioned

"Well yeah its your body" Shoto grabbing Katsuki's hand

"i dont mind, you guys decide its our relationship" Katsuki Suggested

"If we are all adding imput, i think you should keep it i honestly dont mind" Ejirou had moved closer to Katsuki

"I dont mind either, but one condition" Ejirou and Katsuki looked at Shoto with a puzzled look

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