Night time angst 💥

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2AM Authors pov:

Katsuki couldn't sleep at all, Shoto and Ejirou were fast asleep so he didnt want to wake them, Katsuki didn't feel confident at all he felt ugly he felt useless and a waste of space, he slowly got up and out of bed managing not to wake the others.

He went down stairs and made his way down to the basement where they keep all their work out stuff, he switched on the lights, there were 3 punching bags one for each of them, they had a wrestling rink in the left corner and they had other equipment like weights exercise bike, it was basically a room not for children, Sakura has only been in it once, not that they don't trust her its just she cant be bothered to go down into it, they installed a lock because Kazuko kept sneaking in.

Katsuki walked over to the cupboard at the back and grabbed out his set of workout gear, he just grabbed the basket ball shorts and took off his shirt, and walked over to the punching bags, he started to punch like there was no tomorrow as dark thoughts lingered in his mind. It was about 2 hours later when he stopped for a drink and noticed his hands were all bloody his knuckles had started to bleed.

Katsuki's pov:

I looked down at my hands that were bleeding i grabbed bandages and wrapped them around my hands. I heard some food steps behind me, I spun round to notice Shoto in the fridge

"So this is where my Chocolate goes?" Shoto spun round with chocolate in his hands

"i swear its not-" Shoto tried to justify his argument

"Share with me get strawberries and melt the chocolate" i walked over to the couch

"Cant sleep huh?" Shoto placed the bowl of melted chocolate and Strawberries in a separate bowl.

"So what were you doing?" I asked

"I was hungry and wanted food i only grabbed the chocolate to move it out the way but yeah, what were you doing?" Shoto ate a strawberry

"Nothing much" Shoto grabbed my hands

"did you hurt yourself?" The taller looked at me

"No not like that but yeah" I looked at the blood smeared on my knuckles

"Katsuki you have to be careful the the punching bags" Shoto stated

"How did you know?" Shoto just stayed in eye contact

"I heard you come up from the basement and only a punching bag does this damage" I looked down

"you know we have the gloves for a reason" Shoto's finger rubbed my palms

"Yeah, i just was annoyed" I looked away

"Why?" He asked taking another strawberry

"I feel useless" I looked up at Shoto

"i should have saw the signs sooner from Sakura then she wouldn't be so effected by it" A tear ran down my cheek.

"Thats not your fault you hear me, its no ones fault except that teacher" I looked at Shoto and gave him a hug

Can I even have 2 soulmates? (Kirishima X Todoroki X Bakugou) (Mpreg) [Complete]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें