S4 • E3 - Fight or Fright

Start from the beginning

Tex: "Ash and I have long range weapons, okay? We need distance to use them effectively."

Tucker: "Where were you guys planning on shooting him from, the fucking moon? If you two would have backed up any further you'd have had to mail him the bullets. And besides, Ash didn't even do anything."

They all turned to him.

Tex: "Why is that?"

Ash: "I Uh... am gonna be honest with you. I was a little surprised that is said "boo!"


Church: "It said boo?" He said uncovers need.

Ash: "...Yes."

Tucker: "What do you speak alien now?"

Ash: "Yeah?"

Tex: "Since when?"

Ash: "When you're stuck on a satellite for a week, you get bored very easily."

Tex: "You know what? I work better alone. You ladies stay here, I'll be back in two minutes with that thing's head on a platter."

Tucker: "Does it ever bother you that one of the most take-charge guy on our team is a girl?"

Church: "Not at all. As long as I get my body back I don't care if I'm a hero."

Tucker: "..."

Caboose: "..."

Ash: "..."

Church: What.

Tucker: "Huh, well, Church you're kind of a long way from "hero." Wouldn't it have been better to say "I don't care if I'm a participant?" Or maybe bystander?"

Church: "Shut up."

Caboose: "Or a decoy."

Church: "Hey, Caboose, don't help him okay?"

Ash: "Sacrifice?"

Church: "You don't get to help him either."

Tex goes in.

Tucker: "Hey she's going in, you guys think she can take him?"

Sound of a punch or something, and Tex's ghost materializes behind them.

Tex: "Oh crap."

Church: "Nope."

Blood Gulch
Grif and Sarge watching Simmons watch Donut flying the motorcycle. While Shadow was back at base.

Simmons: "Come on Donut, give someone else a turn!"

Donut: "Wait, wait, I wanna show you guys a bunny hop I'm workin' on. Look! N- no wait, now, he- look, look- awh, oh man, I was totally doin' it earlier, why weren't you guys watching then?"

Simmons: "I need it to find the tank!"

Donut: "Wheeeee! Woooooo! Woohooo!"

Sarge: "Grif. I wanna share something with you. And you can't let Simmons know."

Grif: "Whatever."

Sarge: "I think that Simmons has gone mad. It's probably some kind of Time Travel Post Traumatic Repetitive Stress Syndrome. In scientific terms, he's developed Cranial Insanitosis. Basically, he's gone bonkers."

Simmons: (over the radio) Sarge, I'm not crazy, I really saw a tank.

Sarge: "And apparently he's developed some kind of mutant telepathy power. Clear your mind Grif, he can hear your thoughts!"

Red vs Blue x Male OC / Season 4Where stories live. Discover now