S4 • E9 - Exploring our Differences

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Wind Facility. Beachhead
With Blues, yet their voices are just as loud as they normally are. Somehow.

Church: "Well, good luck guys. Don't forget to change your underwear at least once a day. Tucker, that goes double for you."

Tucker: "What? I'm just me of the cleanest guys here."

Church: "No, it goes double for you because now you're in charge of changing Caboose's as well."

Tucker: "I hate you."

Alien: "Blorgh!"

Andy: "He doesn't wear any pants."

Ash: "Yeah, we noticed. "

Tucker: "If we meet anybody on this adventure, that might have to change."

Andy: "Why, we're used to being naked. Free-ballin', come on! Commando."

Tucker: "Let me just put it this way; I felt less threatened when Tex was staring at just the sword."

Tex: "..;Huh what- oh, fyeuh uhm, yeah, uh- I was just admiring his... his alien... muscle structure."

Tucker: "Yeah one particular part of his muscle structure."

Tex: "Well that's just a matter of penis- I mean opinion."

Ash: "Really Tex?"

Church: "Smooth."

Caboose: "You told me it was another arm..."

Alien: "Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh!"

Andy: "Hey Caboose- high five!"

Caboose: "I don't want to do that any more..." he said Quietly.

Ash and Zeta then comfort Caboose.

Church: "Tucker come here, I want to talk to you for a second. Listen, just drop off this weapon, and get back to Blue Base as fast as you guys can."

Tucker: "What if I have to kill stuff, dude? I'm a lover, not a fighter."

Church: "Hey now, Tucker, I'm the same way. That's why we get along so well. We're both just a couple of lovers."

Tucker: "...That sounded kinda gay dude."

Church: "Yeah it did. Uhm... Oh and uh, don't worry about having to kill stuff. Leave that to Ash. Also. I feel obligated to say something encouraging as your boss."

Tucker: "Our Captain died. You're just the guy pretending to be our boss."

Church: "Well, you know in our given situation technically you could be seen as one of my employees."

Tucker: "Except that I'm not."

Church: "Echch, whatever! Listen, I just, as, as someone in an employee/manager relationship-"

Tucker: "Which doesn't exist."

Church: Heuhhhhhhh...

Tucker: Why did you pull me aside again?

Church: You know I'm sure it was to say something inspiring, or... something, but now I just don't care.

Tucker: I'mma go, man.

Alien: Huuuuur!

Andy: "Hey ladies! Come on, hustle up! If you gotta use the bathroom, do it now 'cause I'm not pullin' over."

Red vs Blue x Male OC / Season 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang