A new discovery [Bad Sans Poly]

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He tried to continue without telling Error how cute he was or about the purring, because he was sure that he would just stop and try to deny everything.  It soon proved to be impossible and Cross finally squealed with the goofiest, love-struck smile.

"Omigosh Error, this is so adorable!"

Error was immediately thrown out of his daze, as he blushed madly.

"Huh? W-what it?"

"Well everything about you right now, but especially the purring~." Cross' fingers were dragged delicately down Error's spine.

To Cross' suprise Error just hid his face in his hands, but didn't try to back away, actually leaning into the touch.

Error purred louder when he felt the fingers scratching a bit harder near his shoulder blades. His face was bright from the embarrassment and pleasure.

"I-Is it annoying or something?"

Cross raised his brows, not stopping. "Of course not, I actually think it's absolutely adorable."

"O-oh." Error rubbed the back of his neck, but was smiling nonetheless.

"Wait, I know what we should do." Cross stopped at which Error almost groaned, but held back and looked at the other questioningly. "We should tell the others about this discovery."

Error's eyes widened, but before he could speak, he was snatched into the other's arms and he clung tightly to him, in order not to fall from such a sudden grab. When he finally collected himself enough to talk he tried to protest, but apparently Cross was really set on the thought of announcing this to everyone.

Cross carried the struggling glitch upstairs and then in front of Nightmare's room. Everyone usually hang out there or in the living room, since it was very big and had a perfect, big bed for cuddling.

When Cross opened the door it appeared that indeed everyone was here. Nightmare, Dust, Killer and Horror were all sprawled around the room, doing their own things right now. However when the two appeared inside, everyone turned their heads towards them.

"Guys, I just need to show you something." Cross exclaimed excitedly, while Error just groaned in defeat.

Horror and and Killer who were both on the bed, looked at each other and then at Cross curiously.

"Yeah?" Horror asked.

After making sure that Dust and Nightmare's attention was also on him, Cross put struggling Error in the middle of the bed, sat next to him and started scratching his back just like before.

Error tensed up for a second, but then immediately relaxed and despite his efforts to keep quiet, he could hear himself purring. Crap.

"Cross...Y-You really didn't have to tell everyone. I-It's not even important." He tried to sound grumpy, but heck, the feeling was too nice and he could feel himself leaning into the touch again as he felt a shiver go down his spine.

It was hard to see Horror or Killer's reaction right now, snce they were sitting behind him, but he could definitely see a soft smile forming on Nightmare's face and Dust's look of adoration, as they both moved to sit on the bed as well.

"This is soo cute Error." Horror's voice was heard from behind him.

"I didn't know you could purr like that. It's adorable." Killer joined.

"I agree, I only regret that we didn't discovered it sooner." Dust added with an overjoyed tone in his voice.

Nightmare just chuckled. "I must say I didn't expect that, but it is definitely really cute."

Error could feel him kiss him on the skull as he blushed at the amount of compliments, while Cross was still working his fingers on his back with a bright smile.

"You don't think it's weird?" He asked with a bit of hesitation.

"Absolutely not." He heard Dust answer and after that others gave their own variations of a negative answer, which made him sigh in relief.

"As we said it is really cute. Although I must make sure. Do you enjoy it or is it just an unwanted reaction?" Nightmare asked and motioned to Cross to stop for a second. He wanted to be certain.

Error looked down, but felt warmth building up inside of him. He was just so glad thay Nightmare cared, they all did, even if the answer was pretty obvious.

"I, uh, yeah. It's...a nice feeling."

"Hey Error?" Error turned his head to look at Killer and also at Horror, who was smiling softly at him. "Can I try it too?"

Error opened his mouth,but at that moment Horror spoke too. "Me too! I would love to make you happy."

"Hey, not fair. I want to do it." Dust pouted playfully at the two.

"Oh oh, count me in!" Cross also joined.

"But you just did that-"


"Hey, I want to do it too." Nightmare added with an amused smile.

"Gosh guysss you're gonna be the death of me." Error giggled and hid his face in his hands, still chuckling. He didn't want to say that, but he was looking really forward to that much affection from his boyfriends, especially this one which he enjoyed that much.

"Ok, I think I have an idea how we can all do it without killing each other." Nightmare claimed. "Error?"

"Hmm?" Error looked up at him.

"Could you lay down on your stomach?"


Error wasn't sure what was happening, but he laid down between the other five skeletons, who looked in question at Nightmare, who must have gestured something, because Error didn't hear him say a word.

He tried to pick himself up on his elbows to look behind him, when he suddenly felt five pairs of hands scratching his back.

His eyes widened and he immediately fell down and let out the longest sigh, before he started purring uncontrollably. So this was the idea? Well, they could all do it at the same time. The feeling was almost overwhelming, but in a good sense. It was just so pleasant and Error could feel himself melting. One pair of hands was extremly nice to feel, but five? Oh boy. This was the best physical feeling he has ever experienced and he was sure that his face was completely covered with a blush and a huge smile. He closed his eyes unable to control himself under these extremely nice circumstances. He was arching his back as he made noises of pleasure. It was like his brain was melting, leaving just the feeling of relaxation.

It was in moments like these when he was fully grateful for the live he had right now. He closed his eyes wishing for this moment to last for a long time. He could hear others coo at him and comment on how cute it was.

A though entered his mind making him laugh silently.

"I wonder how anyone, who thinks that we are the embodiments of evil, would react to seeing us right now."

Although to be honest, they would probably destroy anyone who would somehow see them like that.

Outside they were known as the evil, heartless ones and Error highly doubted anyone guessed they were all in a relationship with each other. But when they were inside, when no one could see, the time was filled with moments like that, but mostly cuddles.

Error sighed and let out a yawn, not planning to fall asleep, but relaxing fully. He was just so filled with love and affection right now, he couldn't help, but to let out a quiet "I love you all." between the purrs.

He couldn't see everyone from his position, but the various answers along the lines of "We love you too." were enough for him.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن